Tuesday 25 July 2023

More strange things


 I was just parking beneath this tall building by the river when something flashed passed the window and smacked onto the pavement with great force. It missed the car by inches.

 It was a headless pigeon. It was dragged to the middle of the pavement by a gull, but it was almost in the gutter when it landed.

People walked past it until this colourful-looking fellow with feathers in his hair stopped to pick it up. He pushed it through the railings of the entrance to the building and left.

The only bird I know of which regularly removes the heads of other birds is an owl.



  1. I did not know that owls remove the head of their prey. Seeing a headless bird drop on a city walkway is most unusual. You do have weird and wonderful experiences.

  2. The young man's disposal method was unique. It seems a public building, so that decomposing corpse will give some grounds keeper a start.

  3. That would be a shock alright.

    1. More of a surprise. The shock would have been if it had landed on my head.

  4. Have you stopped blogging or has my computer stopped getting you? It has happened before with another blogger!
