Tuesday 12 July 2022

An alien masquerading as human

 After a two week delay caused by Covid I finally got around to installing these - a set of 4 column based obelisks with pear finials in Bath stone. They are pears because the area in Dorset is historically known for pear orchards and the making of Perry cider. This is the same place that I made the pear fire surround for.

I am still suffering from the after effects of Covid and the temperature was about 30C. It almost killed me but had to be done. At one point I sat down on something which collapsed and I fell in a heap, doing my back in. The drive home took three hours because of a serious accident on the road, and by the time I got back it was as much as I could do to climb the stairs and slump in a chair.

Now here is a strange thing. I think it may deserve a listing in the Guinness Book of Records.

The man helping me was a local, middle-aged builder. Keep that in mind - a builder. an English builder.

This man told me that... wait for it... he had never drunk a cup of tea in his life. Not even a sip.


  1. He definitely needs to be in the Guiness Book of Records. I wonder how many English people have never had a cuppa ? So sorry to hear you toppled over ! I have no idea how you managed to install those beautiful obelisks in this weather ..... I've just washed all of our wooden floors and my face is bright red and I'm knackered !! Look after that back and take it easy for a while. XXXX

  2. A doctor I know told me the post viral effects of covid are noticeably stronger than most , he says a month off work should be average

  3. I like the obelisks, they sit well in that garden and set it off. He does sound unusual in not drinking tea, ever. Yesterday was a very hot day for the job.

  4. The obelisks are beautiful and create a very nice visual line in the garden. An Englishman that never drank tea is definitely original. His claim to fame? Working in the heat is bad enough then hurting your back is horrendous...all the while still feeling the late symptoms of Covid. How about taking some time for well deserved R&R (aka: rest and relaxation)?

    1. I have already had 2 weeks off for the illness itself. I cannot take more time off.

  5. I don't think that my eldest son has ever had a cup of tea....he wouldn't touch it as a child, and certainly doesn't drink it now in his 40s !
    The obelisks are beautiful.

    1. This builder's son has never drunk a cup of tea either, but he dunks biscuits in it before throwing it away.

  6. I remember a few household from my childhood where no tea was drunk, or coffee, or any stimulants! This was quite common in some religious homes.

  7. In my part of the world, we drink a lot of iced tea. My husband hates iced tea and never touches it, says it makes his stomach feel queasy. He won't touch coffee, either.

  8. The obelisks certainly add to the charm of the garden landscape.
    Three of my grandchildren never drink coffee and neither does their mother - however, not drinking coffee has nothing to do with religion.

    1. For some reason I stopped drinking coffee in the morning, but I sometimes drink it out - I did today.

  9. You have done beautiful work on the obelisks. Sorry you weren't feeling well yet and hurt yourself while working. Relax and rest as much as you can and feel better soon!

    1. I always take it as easy as possible, especially now in the heat and with the illness. Yesterday was unavoidable.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The Obelisks look great. It would fittingly belong in Guinness Book of Records if your builder had told you he'd never drank a beer.

    1. I didn't ask him about beer. Maybe I should have.

  12. All the comments that I leave on other people's posts seem to be disappearing. I think (and sort of hope) that they are all being quarantined in your spam folders. Either that or you have finally had enough of me.

    1. I go through my spam folder before it bulges and liberate the spam. I haven't found you there. Maybe next time.

  13. What? An Englishman who doesn't drink tea? I don't have a huge knowledge on the subject, mind you, but it seems to be a basic qualifier to be able to call yourself British. Are you sure that it wasn't a post covid fevered dream on your part?

  14. PS: I do love the obelisks.

  15. This post means a great deal to me.....and I cannot explain why....or rather I know why, but am unable to share.....but thank you.

  16. My irreplaceable English Brother in Law used to call down the steps to his trophy wife, formerly my Sister in Law, "Hazel, I need a cuppa tay."
    They are my trophy in Laws, to this day.
