Saturday 16 July 2022

Drifting in and out

I am still struggling with what could be described as long covid. I still ache and all I want to do is sleep.

I have to work next week and set up/deliver H.I.'s Summer School, but since it is going to be close to 40 degrees heat, I may spend the day lying in the back of the car, parked in the shade. I don't know.

Today I am lying on a sofa, listening to lots of old radio and drifting in and out of a strange sort of sleep. 

With everything that is going on, I have to remind myself that this is reality. At least, I suppose it is.


  1. My neighbor experienced the same. He said it took 3 weeks before feeling himself again. This morning, I heard all records are being broken with the current high heat in Britain. Try to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. Working in the heat is not going to be easy.

  2. Various folk I know round here are the same - I wonder if it is the new variant.

  3. Sorry to tell you, but it drags on. It was coughing with me, early March, for weeks, until I damaged the lining of my throat, but I thought I'd got over it - until this week, when I find I'm having trouble catching my breath, and I start coughing again. I know the hot weather isn't helping, but I;ve never experienced this before.

  4. I think I’m the lucky one Tom, I’m still dozing in an afternoon but unlike you and Rachel I seem to have a little energy

  5. Take heart, Tom. Even a bad case of regular flu can leave you wiped out for weeks, and Covid isn't regular flu. I'm sure that things will return to normal, just more slowly than you'd like. In the meantime, lots of fluids, lots of rest, and lots of fresh, simple food heavy on fruit and veg should be your main goals.

    I sure hope you're feeling much better soon! Hang in there.

  6. Covid is no joke. It hits some harder than others, everyone seems to have a slightly different experience. Be careful not to take on more than you should. The last thing you want is relapse.

  7. My housemate caught covid before vaccines. Her life these last two long years has been a continual migraine, interspersed with more migraines. I wish you better than that.

  8. In the old days we would convalesce after illness to regain strength, something we do not cater for today. So eat well, rest and watch 'crap' television as my daughter and companion are doing....

  9. Thanks all. I will do everything you say.

  10. If you can, work early when it's cooler...and take siestas!!

  11. You and Rachel are really having a time of it. There's no sense to push yourself. It doesn't seem to help in the long run. Listen to your body. I like gz's suggestions.

  12. Oh, man. That's a drag. May you be back to your old self in no time!

  13. Just tested positive for Covid today and feeling pretty rough, I hope it doesn´t last too long.

  14. We had Covid in March very mildly ..... I think this recent strain is much worse. Hopefully, things will improve daily ..... slowly but surely. Look after yourself and don't overdo it ..... it will only set you back. XXXX
