Tuesday 14 June 2022

The penultimate solution

The next obvious step in B.J.'s strategy will be to walk away from the European Court of Human Rights. How wonderful life will be from then on. Carte Blanche. 

The 'hostile environment' that Theresa May set up for would-be immigrants is coming to fruition with a lot of help from Pritti Patel.

Look how they are still treating refugees from Ukraine with all those hurdles and obstacles, never mind their disgraceful treatment of the Afghans who helped them fight their war on terrorism, or the inheritors of the Windrush settlers who helped us become a richer nation on every level. Most of them have now been forgotten - overshadowed by Putin and Brexit.

Perhaps you can hear the disappointment in my voice?


  1. I know you are going to say this naive is Tom, but there are good people as well as bad. The balance shifts of course, already the flight of the refugees to Rwanda was delayed because of last minute action by lawyers in Strasbourg. It is of course only a delaying matter but justice always fights back.

    1. It is not naive, it is just the truth. There were a lot of good people in 1930s Germany and there are a lot of good people in 21st century Russia. Fear, ignorance and want is what despots thrive on. It is Dickensian in its simplicity.

  2. I can hear it, yes. And 'B.J.' is a term we used as teens to describe, ahem, an activity that matches PM Johnson's initials and makes me laugh.
