Wednesday 15 June 2022


Boris Johnson's Ethical Advisor has resigned today. I wonder why. 


  1. As someone commented...the only Imperial measure they are not talking of reintroducing is a scruple.....

  2. That's pretty telling! BJ like DT makes his own rules and standards.

    1. A year or two ago, I wondered if we could sink any lower, but there is plenty of scope for that.

  3. I reckon its John Crace.........

    1. They are refusing to publish his letter, which is the norm, but he does not adhere to the norm if it puts his position in danger.

  4. Hahaha - SOME people have a conscience!

    1. The trouble is that when they go all that is left are unscrupulous liars.

  5. I regard the Cameron Clegg Coalition and the May Govt as much worse. Many bad decisions in Coalition that ruined many things in this country and May was a serial liar.

    1. I don't think you can compare May with the Just William schoolboy behaviour of B.J. They all lie from time to time and they all make terrible mistakes and try to cover their arses, but there has never been a Prime Minister in history like him. He is a product of the times and we probably - no definitely - deserve him.

    2. No I am not comparing him with May like for like. I did not go into much here. Her avoidance of the truth with her own Cabinet describes it a little better, her behaviour was far more seriously wrong for the country than is Johnson's. Cameron's Coalition was also much more seriously damaging to the infrastructure of this country than anything Johnson has done.

    3. I don't think she actually lied that much, but she certainly kept them in the dark about pretty much every decision she made - like you say, avoidance. It was as if she was scared that they would disagree and oppose her. The team-up between Johnson and Cameron over Brexit was when the rot began to set in. Since Cameron walked away from the mess he caused, Johnson has been floundering around and losing any advisors who might have helped, all the while surrounding himself with loyal supporters who are just as bad at their job as he is. The damage he is causing to the infrastructure is a steady drip-drip and much more difficult to undo in the long run. One of his greatest achievements will be to have virtually destroyed the Conservative party in a similar way to Corbyn setting Labour back by 10 years.

  6. I have a low opinion of all politicians in the U.S. Both parties are equally bad. I like to say we when we vote we have to choose the lesser of two weasels. I'm sure politicians believe they only lie to us for our own good. Both parties try to game the system to stay in power instead of doing what they say they were going to do. In the summer of 2020 Antifa & BLM were burning our cities to the ground and politicians called those peaceful protests. I read yesterday living expenses have gone up $ 460 per month and politicians are yakking about gun control. The Party in power is going to pay for ignoring the economic pain of the average American. If working Americans can't afford gas for their cars how the hell are they supposed to buy electric cars, like Biden told them.

    1. Well I think you are wrong in at least one thing you say, that politicians only lie to us for our own good, but I agree with you when you say that they game the system to stay in power instead of doing things for the general good of the country.

  7. Perhaps that word isn't in his dictionary.

    1. It doesn't seem to be. He is a huge schoolboy who has found himself in the position which he hankered for before he knew what it really entailed.
