Tuesday 14 June 2022

Speed bonnie boat

I would be really sad to see Scotland turn their back on Great Britain, but I certainly wouldn't blame them. I was really sad to see Britain turn its back on Europe too. I would say that the damage has been done, but in reality it has only just begun.

Boris Johnson says that he will not allow a second referendum to take place in Scotland, and their First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says that they are formulating ways of pushing ahead with one anyway.

Why not take a leaf out of Boris's book and just tear-up any previous legal agreements made on the topic? Scotland would get a lot of support from the E.U., not least from their old historical allies, France. Anyway, our government seem to have employed a load of shit lawyers who cannot tell the difference between illegal immigrants, asylum seekers and people smugglers.


  1. I bet Nicola will get the job done. Scotland has been double crossed.

    1. Aberdeen has the highest number of food banks per capita in the whole of the UK. It also has untold wealth from North Sea oil and gas. Where has that money gone?
