Tuesday 14 June 2022


I have been locked out of reading your posts today for some reason, but now I can. It may take a while to catch up, what with other commitments. Blogger just told me I had spelt 'commitments' wrong, but would not tell me the correct spelling. 

Did you hear about the Google worker who was sacked for having a heart-to-heart with a robot chat machine? I read some of the transcript and it certainly got me thinking. At what point does a machine become sentient? At what point does a human turn into a machine, if we are not all machines to begin with?

Talking of sentient human machines, don't you love Pritti Patel? The first flight to Rwanda has been halted at the last minute by lawyers.

Talking of breaking the law, pretty soon we will be at war with France again, thanks to Boris's 'oven ready deal'. He knew this would happen, but he wanted to be popular and stay in number 10. He is a despicable, thick-skinned liar who would - and probably has - sell his Turkish great-grandmother back to the slaver his grandfather bought her from.

What a family. What a bunch of c****s.


  1. Boris and his family cannot possibly be bigger c***s or break more laws than the Trumps. I can't understand how our two countries ended up with such men in power. I feel your pain!

    1. If people like B.J. are successful, Trump will return to mainstream politics.

  2. Trump's return is looking possible. He sure has a lot of armed militia backing him.

    1. He loves the NRA. It doesn't matter how many schoolchildren are shot, just so long as the sacrosanct right to bear arms is upheld by the people who finance skunks like him.
