Friday, 14 January 2022


I have just noticed that my last post regarding Boris's burning underpants was my 4000th. If I had realised that at the time of writing I may have chosen a more edifying subject. I suppose I could take all the words written down over the years and rearrange them into something worth reading, but I really don't have the time any more.

Above is a photo of my mother and her brother. My mother is the one sitting on her mother. The other two are my maternal grandparents. I never met them. I have only recently been told of the 'Bings' of West Lothian, which were being made at about the same time as this photo was taken.

They are spoil-heaps from the extraction of shale oil from which they made petrol for the new-fangled motor car. This set of bings in the photo are just a few. There are many more and they dwarf the nearby towns and villages which lie in their shadow.

I have always been told that Silbury Hill is the largest man-made hill in Europe, but maybe they should have called it 'hand-made'.


  1. Good to have a photo like that.

    Those bings are a fantastic red colour.

    1. I am amazed that I had never heard of them before now.

  2. There must have been such places all over the country im those early days

    1. I don't think so Weave, but there are still the occasional 'nodding donkeys' on the shale cliffs of Dorset.

  3. Your family photo is really charming. Everybody is beautifully styled, groomed and poised for the photo.

  4. I wonder what family of a certain age and income does not have that nicely posed little family portrait, and am grateful for it.

    1. Yes, they were wealthy landowners who ran out of cash by the time my mother was born.

  5. Those hills look rather nice from a distance.

    1. Yes, they do. Have you seen the piles of china clay dumps in Cornwall? Very white.

  6. A beautiful photograph and a handsome family. I love looking at old photos ….. especially the fashion….. such stylish times ( but probably very difficult and hard times ) I’ve never heard of a ‘ bing ‘ …. it just brings back memories of Aberfan. XXXX

    1. I have only just found your comment Jack@. Sorry!
