Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Pants on fire

The damage that Boris Johnson has caused - not just to the Conservative Party but to Britain in general -  will not be properly estimated for years to come.

He will blame the Covid crisis for all the predicted problems of leaving the Common Market, just as he blames all his personal problems in office on all his junior staff and civil servants.

He will take the credit for the success of the vaccination program and lay the blame for the failures of track and trace on others. Any others.

What he desired above all else were glory projects bearing his name, and he has squandered billions of pounds in attempting to get them built.

He has done nothing for the poor of this country, giving preference to the already rich for the sake of private investment companies.

He has never given a flying fuck for this country. 

Hard on his heels are despicable creeps like Michael Gove, who would have knifed him in the back years ago if they had the chance.

As I said years ago, they would sell their mothers for power.


  1. I'll be surprised if he lasts the week, but the writing is on the wall and not before time.

  2. I thought the government spent a lot of money during the lockdowns and schemes like furlough helped everybody and landlords not evicting people for non-payment of rent and at times I saw comments that the Tory Party had become the socialist party. Has all the money we have spent and have to retrieve over the next decades been wasted and not helped anybody?

    1. Yes I know what you mean, but I think any administration would have spent that money in order to prevent the total collapse of the economy. In Boris's personal case I should have said millions rather than billions when it comes to vanity projects.

  3. From your description, he sounds very similar to our PM. I think it boils down to a failure to lead (in the true sense of leadership).

    1. Boris had one function, and one function only.

  4. He is still wriggling though! Will the Conservative party get rid of him? They are on dangerous ground with their popularity flagging they are between the devil and the deep blue sea.

    1. I would not put it past him to survive this, in the same way I would not put it past Trump to get back in.

  5. He's trying to buy time, with the "wait for the report" ploy. Nobody is falling for it.

  6. Some people get to a point where they are in over their heads and gasping for air. Actions speak louder than words.

    1. Boris is a champion at pulling himself out of the shit.

  7. The U.K. has Boris, the U.S. has Biden, and the E.U. seems to be in turmoil, with massive protests in various countries. Spain shifting to an endemic vs. pandemic approach. The new German Chancellor saying full debate needs to happen before the country enacts vaccine mandates. Italy barring the unvaccinated from essentially all public life. China, Russia and North Korea touting successful supersonic missal testing. Iran touting its own nuclear ramp up.

    My point? It's all pretty much a mess. Everywhere. In the words of Tiny Tim, "God bless us, everyone." --Elise

  8. The Conservative party knew what he was like but they still elected him their leader. What does that say about the rest of them?

    1. That they are as gullible and short sighted as the rest of us.
