Saturday, 11 December 2021

All I need now is snow

H.I. gave a sigh and asked whether or not I had come up with any ideas about this year's Christmas card. Like many others, I am finding it hard to get into the spirit of things, and I sighed too.

Then a light bulb went on in my head.

At my rural workshop there is a robin which begs for food and asserts his territorial rights over the land which I have always thought of as under my control, and he is so bold that all I have to do is put an object on the ground for him to perch on the handle or whatever is the highest point. You know the sort - fork handles, and all that.

I arrived in my car yesterday and as soon as I got out he flew up and hovered six inches away from my nose for a brief moment. "I've got a job for you", I told him. This time he was going to work for his crumbs.

I selected a picturesque log from a nearby pile and went down into my yard with the camera on my phone primed up and ready to go.

As I had predicted, the instant I put the log on the table he hopped on it and began to pose. I took 23 shots before I gave him any food. I ought to be able to do something with one of them.


You have to imagine the card version of this with glitter highlights. I quite like it because of the kitsch value, plus I know the model.


  1. Nothing says Christmas like giving our friends the bird. (I jest! I jest! A great picture.

  2. What a lovely picture Tom and what a lovely card it will make. Robins and logs go together like peaches and cream at Christmas.

  3. You would think butter would not melt in that little robin's mouth but they have the spirit of a lion. It will make a pretty card, if you have a snow photo you could superimpose them.

  4. I'd be impressed if you could get him to stand on your outstretched hand.

  5. Most small songbirds will do anything for treats. There's something about small animals (birds, dogs, men) that makes them 10X bolder than their size warrants!

    Great photo, Tom.

  6. Glad you shared the photo and story.

  7. The photogenic robin earned his crumbs today. That's a good photo and will make a nice Christmas card.

  8. Great shot and great idea, Tom. Happy Christmas to you and yours.

  9. What an adorable little performer.

  10. What a lovely little robin, a perfect Christmas symbol.

  11. I have updated the image. I wanted to have a transparent snow overlay, but you have to pay for those. The cards are now printed and glittered up.

  12. Lovely picture! Excellent log, as well.

  13. Nice Update. The glitter will adorn the card even more. Your robin has lots of personality. He (or she?) is a beautiful plucky little creature. Is there a nest nearby?

    1. In the Spring there are several nests nearby, but robins have quite large territories so they often encroach on each other. They fight a lot amongst themselves, sometimes to the death.
