Wednesday 28 August 2019

He has the nation's interests at heart

When he was a kid, Boris Johnson said he desired nothing more than to be 'King of the World'.

When a little older his ambitions became more realistic. He wanted to be 'Prime Minister of Great Britain'.

I wonder if he now wants to be the second Oliver Cromwell?

He can never be forgiven for placing the Queen in the position she now finds herself, but I hope he and his despicable cronies stop short of  condoning regicide.

It would not be too far-fetched to contemplate possible civil war at the moment, especially since the mother of all recessions is outside the gates like a plague, waiting to be let in.


  1. I heard about this situation on the news this morning as I drove to work. I don't understand how he can demand that the Queen do anything..and does she even have the power to agree? I was under the impression that the royal family are only symbolic figureheads these days. What am I missing here?

  2. I am now at defcon 1 of scared witless.

    1. You wait. The biggest recession for 100 years is just around the corner.

    2. Best fill the cellar with toilet paper

  3. He has to ask the Queen, she can do this though I doubt she wanted to. Just hope the rest of Parliament can stop him next week.

    1. If the Queen refused, then that really would be the end.

  4. Your elected representatives don't matter even though you voted for them after the referendum. You don't matter either, you little people. I'm not sorry if you feel offended.

    1. Both sides will cry foul whichever way it goes. Everything has changed forever thanks to a small bunch of cunts.

  5. Bozza makes his own rules and the queen agrees.

    1. The Queen has no realistic choice in the matter.

  6. So what is she there for? Smelling new paint? She's not going to give Jezza a go is she?

    1. She is there to uphold the social values which could survive the vicissitudes of political division, because she cannot, then the whole thing is destined to fall apart from the top down. Is this what you want? If so, what would you like to see in the place of the 1000 year-old system we have in place already? The House of Lords used to be an influence for the good in moderating the more extreme ambitions of the privileged, but since the power to ennoble people for political ends, it has become so diluted that it the legislation is almost as worthless as the Commons. Magna Carta.

    2. I'll let you edit the above as you find fit. Thanks.

  7. The EU won't move so his plan will be to push parliament into Teresa May's deal as a last resort . Then he can shut up Farrage etc and say he has saved the country at the same time .

    1. When he says that he is prepared to push the UK out of Europe without a deal, this is the one thing he is not lying about. If/when it all goes wrong he will be able to blame Parliament for not agreeing to Theresa May's deal.

  8. Tom, you are absolutely correct about the mother of all recessions heading our way, and we can't get over it or under it or around it, or in at the door. Prorogation, kids. All the petitions in the world won't stop it. Just ask us here, in you know whose USA.

    1. Their ruthless ambition knows no bounds. They will do whatever they can get away with, and to hell with the people.

  9. Good gracious how gloomy you all are. Boris is a rogue, but if you look at the people screaming they are worse. Enjoy the ride!

    1. You sound as if you consider yourself future-proof, Charles. Do you have a moat around your house?

  10. It's becoming tenuous, but I still think my £5 on 'remaining' is safe!

    1. As with everything else these days, the odds are 48 to 52, but I don't know which way.

  11. Yee Gods! I call Trumpty Dumpty and Boris the orange bookends. Every day I wake up discouraged and frightened at what is going on. Incredible!

    1. At least we now have a good reason to wake up feeling discouraged and frightened.
