Saturday, 20 April 2019

Will David Attenborough save the world?

The London Climate Change activists are holding their 5th day of disruption in the heart of the city. They are making everyone's lives very difficult by bringing transport systems to a halt, simply by sitting in roads or glueing themselves to busses and trains.

They have decided to bring their demands to the government not by demonstrating outside Parliament like everyone else, but by punishing their fellow citizens who are just trying to make it to work. This being a Bank Holiday, they are punishing tourists as well as the staff of all the industries which support them.

What is so maddening is that their demands that Britain must stop using any fossil fuels at all by 2025. They must know that this is an impossibility, but maybe they are making transparently obvious preparations for a drastic compromise. If so, then not much will have changed because the government has already pledged to end fossil fuel power by 2050 in any case. Even that is going to take enormous upheaval and expenditure to/on all the country's infrastructure.

The police are becoming a bit frustrated with them because they are so polite, well-behaved and peaceful. All they can do is insist that they move and when the inevitable refusal comes, arrest them. So far they have arrested over 600 with many more to come over the weekend. The police operation alone is costing a fortune.

Their timing is as bad as their goal is futile. We were all looking forward to a relaxing couple of weeks of holiday from Brexit and beginning to plan for the next inevitable disaster, when they all dump themselves on London.

We just cannot return to horse, cart and windmills until we know what 2020 is going to bring, let alone 2050. Apart from anything else we cannot afford to, and the global oil companies are not going to help us try.


In answer to the title's question, David Attenborough's solution to the problem is to cull at least half of the world's population of humans. If we carry on as we have been since the Industrial Revolution and associated medical advances, then this is what is going to happen.

Those climate change protesters just find it hard to accept.


  1. Dick needs to toughen up and stop pandering to these minority groups.

  2. Rather like Dan Brown's Inferno where the Goodies and the Badies are a bit the same.

    1. Plot:- Too many people, but the 'solution' is madly bad.

  3. These protesters have had the same media bashing as the suffragettes did .......hummmm?

    1. Not quite the same. Also, they are not exclusively women and they haven't been force-fed in prison using a funnel.....hummmm?

  4. Y'know, you don't have to 'cull' half the world population. Just cut back on making new ones.... Seems a no brainer.

    1. No. You don't have to cull. We are doing it in any case. Job done.

    2. Also, what are your long term plans for birth control? How does your no brainer become a reality? You have the answer do you?

    3. We need to 'cull' from the oldest down; not to stop breeding. What am I saying!!! I'm old myself!!!

    4. We need to embrace death and let people die in the natural order of things and stop prolonging life for no better reason than just keeping people alive.

    5. I am happy to embrace death, it's the dying that makes me a little nervous.

  5. Has anyone factored in the loss of population when Yellowstone erupts, probably before 2020?

    1. It gets mentioned every now and then - like the San Andreas fault.

  6. These protesters seem to be mostly metropolitan virtue signalers and are probably causing far more damage to the "environment" by their actions in forcing others to stand with engines running in the jams they cause. To say nothing about the gross inconvenience of it all.
    I note that great "virtue signaler", Emma Thompson,flew 5,000 miles in an airliner to be there to preach to the crowd. I wonder how much pollution she contributed?
    Whatever little old UK does to cut emissions (and it has done so by over 40% since 1990) it's going to be a drop in the bucket with India and China still pumping out fumes and building yet more coal-fired power stations. (And the USA ain't exactly helping, either)

    1. I think we are supposed to set an example to the rest of the world - like we have with Brexit.
