Monday 13 August 2018

All God's creatures have arseholes

I have a little job on the go which involves cleaning spider-shit off a white marble bust of a Roman Emperor. No, I didn't believe it either.

I installed the bust in a niche under an alcove a few years ago, so it is quite well sheltered from the weather, making an ideal place for spiders. They live in the locks of his curly hair.

The people on the estate showed me the bust and the thick, black, little clusters of stuff which had actually stained the marble quite deeply, even going through the seal I had applied when I installed it in the niche. I said that it must have been caused by some sort of insect, and they said, "Yes. Spiders".

I did not believe them, so I Googled up the subject on the net. I began by typing spider shit into the search, and was immediately asked if I meant spider poo. The American sites asked me if I meant spider poop. No, actually, I meant shit.

Within 0.98679 of a second, I had the accumulated wisdom of the entire world on the subject of spider shit right there in front of me, and dozens of photos (like the one above) of the same black spots as are on my marble bust. Instant confirmation.

One treatise began thus: Spiders excrete their waste through the spider anus. Well hoodah thought it?

It seems that the people who suffer spider shit more than most are sailors. At the beginning of every season, yacht owners spend hours and days frigging in the rigging and cleaning-off a whole Winter's worth of spider crap from acres of white sails. There is even a product specifically made just for that purpose, but it has a very unimaginative name. So unimaginative that I have forgotten it. They could have called it 'Arachnopoopbegone', or something similar. Perhaps you could come up with something more catchy.

All this reminds me of a book I once was given for Christmas called, 'Do Ants Have Arseholes?'


  1. My house must be a right spider shit heap.

  2. This is why certain Norfolk sailing ships had brown sails.

    1. Did you know that all the original Girl Guide uniforms were made from old brown Norfolk sails?

    2. No. I'm glad you told me that.

    3. Well I made it up. I just liked the idea.

  3. We get it on the windowsills in our porch ...... it’s a bugger to get off !!! XXXX

  4. Actually, just recently I read a Google bit about a one celled creature with no anus, but I'm arsed to look it up again.
    Is that TS quality line?

    1. I don't know how many cells make up my arsehole, but I think it takes more than one. Luckily my arse only divided once, giving me two buttocks, but yes, that is a quality line Joanne.

  5. This brought to mind the old saying about opinions being like assholes....everybody's got one.

    My favorite kids' book at the book store where I used to work was a potty training manual called Everybody Poops. It had lots of colorful drawings of various animals and their turds. If I'd had kids, they would have gotten a copy!

    1. I think you can get adult versions of that book.

  6. There's a book here in Australia for bushwalkers to ID poo called What Scat Is That? All for big ticket stuff, not from the pesky 6 and 8-legged variety. I cleaned some fly poo off my kitchen ceiling the other day. Makes me wonder how it gets deposited so it defies gravity.

    1. Then there's the terrifying thought that maybe it doesn't, maybe most of it is falling into our hair...EEEW!

    2. Bats must have guano-besmirched chests.

  7. You omitted to tell us which Roman emperor was desecrated with spider shit in his divine hair? Better than pigeon poo, which is the usual statue adornment, I suppose?

    1. Julius, if that matters to you. I have no previous experience with spiders to compare.

  8. Addition to the title: 'And He loves them all, including Cro'.

  9. What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits your windshield?
