Friday 22 June 2018

AirBus threatens to leave U.K.

I don't want to completely lose my sense of humour over one issue like Lenny Bruce did, but I think we all need to ask ourselves what created the perfect storm that put Trump into power - unless, of course, you remain a supporter of Trump and his policies.

A few very basic facts: Bankers were the prime cause of the global recession. The far right flourish in times of economic hardship. The far right always look to put the blame on foreigners for economic hardship.

The attempted overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Assad in Syria was the birth of ISIS. The fight against ISIS has destroyed entire cities - if not countries - and has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Many survivors are literally fleeing for their lives - and losing their lives - by seeking refuge in Europe. Europe is in the grip of a prolonged recession and is now facing bankruptcy and falling apart because there is not much money left to borrow which can be paid back to the investors in a timely fashion, and everyone is getting a little scared of China being the wealthiest investor.

The economic migrants to the U.S. are mainly from South America, and much of South America is close to destitution because of U.S. foreign policy. The difference between Europe and South America is that it is the far left and not the far right who rise to the surface during times of economic hardship. America is absolutely terrified of Communism.

Mexico has been the butt of America's jokes since the Alamo. Whilst never forgiving Mexico for taking back land on the other side of the Rio Grande, America has been using Mexicans as a cheap workforce (legal and illegal) for years, and using Mexico itself as a cheap playground ever since Castro kicked the gangsters out of Cuba.

Here in G.B. Theresa May has given justification for Trump's treatment of 'illegal' immigrants by saying that she would make Britain 'a hostile environment' for illegal immigrants. The American 'diplomats' have quoted her on that, saying that she does not occupy any moral high ground, so she should shut up.

Britain's idea of making the country a hostile environment for immigrants is to deport all the West Indians who were invited here in 1948 to help rebuild  it after WW2. Today is the 70th anniversary of the arrival of The Windrush.

Farmers all over Britain fear having to destroy tons of soft fruit because the Eastern European pickers no longer feel welcome here, and the economies of their own countries are taking a turn for the better as ours continues to plummet in a protracted nose-dive.

It seems as though no British workers want to take up the positions that Farage vowed would be freed up by leaving the E.U., so now plumbers can charge what they like for fixing your tap.


  1. We often see the gigantic planes coming in to land at airbus Broughton ...
    Sad sad sad

    1. Would that be the Beluga? Huge plane with a tiny cockpit low down at the front. Built to carry plane wings I think.

    2. We definitely make the wings - at the moment.

  2. Come off it Tom! As you well know, the hostile environment is for ILLEGAL immigrants only (even Corbyn's lot agree about that), and has nothing to do with expelling the Windrush folk. That was simply some over-enthusiasm on behalf of some idiotic Home Office twerps.

    1. That is exactly what I said in paragraph 6. Read it properly before you start turning into Colonel Blimp all over again. Also, it has EVERYTHING to do with the Windrush deportations. I know (or believe) that you are not a fundamentally dim person, Cro, so who are you trying to defend in this sorry story? Are you taking my attack on bankers personally?

    2. And the reason I later put the word 'illegal' in inverted commas is because- by definition - migrants are technically illegal until they have gone through the process - if they get the chance before drowning with their children in Europe, or getting arrested in the US.

    3. That was deliberate. I was not quoting Theresa May and I do not see the Windrush generation as illegal. The Home Office was acting on an interpretation of the statement by Theresa May, and the action (over two years) was not just by one 'twerp'. Did they think they could get away with it for that length of time without the knowledge of government ministers? If so, the government must be even more out of touch than we thought.

  3. I was going to reply to Cro, but won't. No matter the action, it all has the same source; the use of the unfettered power of money; hatred, disdain. I run out of words too easily. There is no compassion. To quote Melania's jacket, I Really Don't Care. It will get worse.

  4. I regret to say I smell a rat with this Airbus announcement. Was the Airbus man at the secret talks that were held the other day to overthrow Brexit and this is the announcement they schemed? I don't know. Is this part of Operation Fear? It sounds like it. Airbus should be pressing and supporting for an EU deal, not send out negative stuff like this. Personally I think it stinks.

    1. Operation Fear is not just some flimsy scare tactic to frighten the leavers. There is a lot to be fearful about. I would have thought that would be blindingly obvious, given the way that our government has got absolutely nowhere in the negotiations, despite dire warnings from global businesses. You are a pragmatic person. Do you really believe that Europe is going to give us an easy exit without setting an example to the other member states? Get real.

    2. No, not me get real, you need to get real. Don't just lap it all up as the BBC feed it to you.

    3. Should I just lap up what Rees-Mogg and Farage feeds us then?

    4. Don't ridicule me. Think outside the box occasionally and stop lapping up what the media tell you and what they alone want to tell you. As for what you said to Cro, Tony Benn said many years ago that civil servants run government departments without Parliament having a clue what is going on or what they are doing. Right or wrong, it has been going on for years and years and years, which ever government is in power. Perhaps you should read Benn's memoirs for starters. The two responsible for the Windrush affair in Border Control have now been sacked, or rather moved into another part of the Civil Service, as I wrote about recently on my blog.

    5. Margaret Thatcher sacked any useful civil servants who disagreed with her years ago. You seem to think that you are the only person around here who can make up their own mind about something by cutting through blatant propaganda. I for one (of many) did not believe what I read on the side of that bus. I did, however, believe what Theresa May wrote on the side of her Home Office bus, but that didn't involve a vote.

    6. You write what the media feed you. If that's what you want with your merry little band of followers good luck to you.

    7. And you often ignore the bleedin' obvious in your quest for originality.

  5. I don't have anything to add other than the immigrants in the US are the hardest working people I've seen. One told me "Yankees is lazy." If they didn't do the jobs Americans don't or won't do, our country would fall. And, can anyone tell me what the ill-timed wearing of that jacket on Melania meant?

    1. Ask Melania. Brits are lazy too, but we still - unbelievably - work longer hours on average than the Germans. Another little fact.

    2. As someone who worked in the restaurant industry in the UK, I can say that the shifts were, on average, longer than ours here. You all work very long days.

    3. For very low wages as compared to other countries' standards of living. Low paid workers in Florida can afford to eat in restaurants whenever they like.

  6. Without foreign workers, Trump could not operate his hotels/golf resorts, or winery. No way would he want to pay the salaries asked by American workers. Heck, he is proud to say that he gets away without paying people for their work, no matter their ethnicity. He also has his and his daughter’s products made in China while saying he is bringing jobs back to the US. None of this bothers his base, many of whom are not educated for the jobs of today.

  7. Early on he said he would like to 'date' his daughter if he were not her father. I would say that the man is an animal, but that would be an insult to all animals.
