Saturday 10 February 2018

Get in the water

I like this painting of H.I.'s daughter, so I use it as a phone screen.

I have wondered why I like it so much and I think it is mainly for the memories it brings back. I can date it pretty precisely because Daughter was pregnant with Green Eyes in the picture.

The four (or five) of us drove down through France to the crystal clear reservoir in which she stands. This is where The Boy said his first words - to me. Well, his first sentence anyway.

I gently pushed him toward the shallows saying, "Get in the water." He got behind me and began shoving me toward the lake saying, "No. You get in the water."

I parked my silver Volvo (estate, of course) in the shade of the pine trees which fringed the lake, and as we walked toward the beach, I stopped to turn back and look at it.

Daughter said, "We come all this way to this beautiful place and all you want to do is look at your car."


  1. I love that painting of H.I’s daughter...... I really love H.I’s style.
    I have to say, I got a new car on Thursday and I keep having a look at it !!!!!! XXXX

    1. I had an Audi TT but it was nearly ten years old so, I could either run it into the ground or change it. I also got a good price for it ..... I bought a Mini Cooper S with all the bells and whistles ..... even the exhaust pops and crackles !!!! I have turned into a boy racer !!!!! XXXX

    2. My latest Volvo was run into the ground by someone else before I bought it. Is your Mini quick?

    3. It’s amazing .... quicker than my Audi and really good fun to drive. .... my Audi was very heavy to drive and terrible visibility. I was a bit reluctant to see my Audi go but the mini is so much better. XXXX

    4. I was amazed to learn that the new Minis weigh 1.5 tonnes.

    5. I considered a Mini, but the gas mileage is poor. I cannot think what I'll do for my next car.

    6. It does 50 miles to the gallon Joanne and, it has three driving modes ..... Sport, Mid and Green and green saves so much on petrol. I sound like a BMW salesman !!!! XXXX

    7. I'll give you a race in my Citroen Jackie!

    8. Haha !!!! I need a few days to get used to all of it’s racy ways !!! XXXX

    9. H.I. used to have a Citroen CX Pallas. It went like a rocket.

    10. ...and had the same MPG as my Volvos... about 25-28.

    11. All my Citroens have gone like rockets. Best cars I ever had. I back with them.

  2. What a relief--Something I can think about and write about, if I wish. My second daughter once told me to do something I asked her to do. I did it. I was impressed she had such an opinion at three years of age. Just three; it was around her birthday.

    1. When The Boy said that, we were all laughing at the novelty.

  3. It makes the perfect screen saver colour wise, it is aesthetically pleasing as a painting and it is personal to you. Is the date on your phone wrong and how you like it to be or is it just an old screen shot?

    1. Old screen shot. I can't even remember which June.

  4. The painting is beautiful. The colours are lovely.
    I often happen look at the time when the numbers are double like that.
    Greetings Maria x

  5. Painting is lovely.
    Same old story then = you were Volvo obsessed then

    1. I stuck with Volvos because I had a pet mechanic here who trained with Volvo. He is now retired and moving to Australia. Don't know who to use now.

  6. I understand, my car is a thing of beauty to me also. I love to see the look on young men’s faces as I drive past them in my high-performance turbo WRX. They almost get a whiplash. It is a 30 year old man’s type vehicle, but me and my looking-like-new 13 year old Subaru sports car still have some vroom vroom, vroom left in us. Unfortunately, I look far from new and my tires are wearing thin.

    H.I.’s picture is lovely.

    1. I know there are some very quick Subarus out there.

  7. I've seen this before and loved it before
    Very deco

  8. That is a lovely painting - and to put it on your phone gives joy (I have two pictures for choice - one says in a posh way: "Hold your tongue!" - in time of needs...:-)
    I had three Volvos - one estate, which I liked very much - but my heart still beats for my two Lancia Beta 2000 (long ago, before becoming a mother)

    1. I liked Lancias. Volvos get a little worse as they get younger. The originals were work-horses, now they have cup-holders all over the place.
