Thursday, 26 January 2017

Torture them until they squeal

I know you know and I hope you do not understand any better than me, but:

How is it that a civilised country like the USA can actually be talking openly and unashamedly in public about reinstating torture as a valid method of interrogation?

What the fucking hell has the world come to?

Even if he did reinstate water-boarding, the British Government could never accept any evidence obtained by such methods. Torture does NOT produce reliable evidence. It does NOT produce the truth.

I did not like Trump 15 years ago, but now I am fighting off the urge to hate him.


  1. He's an unhinged idiot. I just hope the powers that be fight him at every turn. I wish I knew how to apologize to the Mexican president and people. They are good people, family members and such hard workers and Trump's wall is so embarrassing on every level.

    1. I worked alongside some very nice people when in Florida, and mainly they were Mexican. They laughed all the time, and the Vietman vets were miserable.

    2. I could go on for days about the bastard, but have you heard the latest about his war on the press? If it weren't so troubling, it would be funny. What's also terrible about the wall, our country depends on Mexicans to do all the jobs no one else wants to do. Unless something is done or if, god forbid, they make a mass exodus, our country will come to a halt in a matter of days.

    3. There is one global employment company based in the U.S. who are desperately trying to get Trump to see sense. You could hear the fear in the voice of their representative who explained that the 30,000
      on their books alone could be out of a job, and the U.S. companies who employ them could be out of business in days. Trump wants the best for the U.S.!

  2. What kind of fresh hell is this?
    And what kind of Role Model is Trump becoming?
    I am appalled

    1. Its the only one i have and i feel i shall be repeating it a great deal over the next four years

    2. I look forward to it. God bless you. I need some dependable constancey in my life in these times.

  3. This is the kind of thing we've all been screaming for the world to realize about Trump and conservative Republicans. They're unhinged and pure evil. Evil. I cannot believe we've elected this madman. It's terrifying. That's why right - thinking people are protesting and vowing to fight this new administration tooth and nail.

    1. You have at least two years of frustration, and so do we.

  4. What the fucking hell indeed !!!! ..... and, it's only week one !!! XXXX

    1. Appease the fucking rednecks, never mind the protest voters.

  5. Not a very auspicious start I must say.

  6. Replies
    1. Everyone is now speculating on what happened to him as a child to make him what he is today. The President of the United States of America, for God's sake!

  7. If we were civilised, then we wouldn't have voted for an ignorant buffoon.

    1. It was an accident. Nobody seriously believed he would get in, so they just put a cross by his name anyway - to show a protest.

  8. Torture is wrong on all levels, and Trump is wrong too. I fear he has mental troubles; the way he speaks is very strange. Good luck to Theresa May.

    1. The general consensus is that he is clinically insane. I hope they can prove it and impeach him before he does too much irreparable damage.

  9. Unfortunately there are actually people in this country who appear happy to give Trump a chance, just as there are people who can find no wrong with Russia.

    1. The eras of Regan and the Soviet Union seem like such safe times right now.

  10. He doesn't win friends and impress many people so how did he get elected......

    1. I really don't understand the US system, when Clinton can get 3,000,000 more votes and still lose.

    2. None of us understand the electoral college, either.

  11. Replies
    1. How can one person drag an entire nation back to the days of burning witches at the stake? Make America great again?!

  12. I find that I can't look at him...and I hate that 'index finger to thumb'gesture he does. Perhaps, though, if there are enough sane people surrounding him, his time in office could be a sort of learning curve for him and he might change a little?

    1. Many people believe that the CIA are just waiting to find a way of getting rid of him. I hope they are.

  13. The new President is needy. Folks who voted for him for all sorts of reasons, but amongst them are folks who do agree with some of these outrageous statements he makes. It may be that he speaks about favoring torture in order to retain cred with that crowd. In the very same hour, he might also say that he will defer to the experts around him. Wait 15 minutes and he will say some other shocking statement, or sign another sheet of paper with his Sharpie. The piece of paper might be meaningless, but sends another re-assuring message so some of his supporters.
    It's scary.

    1. Please forgive my typos and grammatical errors.
