Friday, 27 January 2017

Breathe out, now breathe in

Trump has bowed to external pressure and although he may still like the idea of torture - "...or whatever you want to call Water-Boarding..." - he has accepted advice not to reinstate it by one of his own selected group, who was himself tortured in another war. Phew.

Our own Prime Minister has also been talking to him today and yesterday, and seems to have cemented the 'Special Relationship' again for the time being, which may include some trade deals to replace the ones which will imminently be destroyed through Brexit. Phew again?

She may (May) or may not have also had some influence over his looking at NATO in a new light as well, particularly after the recent failure of £17 million worth of Trident missile testing, when the missile went into the direction of Florida, and not the other way as it had been programmed to. Phew!

Now some back-benchers in Britain are accusing Theresa May of being the first to arse-lick. Well, what would you do if you were in charge of Great Britain? Lock yourself away and refuse to talk to him, or try and do the best for your country and the rest of the world by using your influence? Free speech is what we have, but I don't blame the PM for not saying what she really thinks.


  1. Im sick of them all still, but at least I did notice that May had a nice hair do

  2. So are you two talking again? Well, waddayaknow.

  3. Back to the subject introduced above, don't know who put potus off waterboarding, but thank goodness. Perhaps all his generals were going to quit on him, too.

  4. Whatever they say, most nations will attempt to extract information from miscreants in extreme national emergencies. As hateful as it is, it saves many lives.

  5. Two wrongs do not make a right and in my view nothing justifies torture in any form. We have moved beyond the Middle Ages here if other parts of the world have not.
    As for the May/Trump meeting - at lease she kept her dignity.

  6. I was quite shocked to see the hand holding. Did anyone see what she was wearing behind the scarf? Now I guess she is on her way to Turkey to meet Erdogan. Is Putin next?

    1. Everyone is attacking her for the first to visit Trump, but she has to at some point, and what with Brexit on the horizon, the sooner the better. The hand-holding instigated by Trump was just a little visual detail of the most basic kind, designed to show everyone who is in control. She said, "Opposites attract"!

  7. I wish they would water board Trump before he could make a decision about anything.

  8. He has already had to back down on some directives, such as the gag order on Federal agencies, in response to outside pressure. The Congress will keep him in check out of fear of losing their jobs. Of course, that won't stop the majority Republicans from doing all the horrible things they been planning. Nor will it free us of the nausea that comes from seeing and hearing him.
