Thursday, 26 January 2017


I was half listening to the weekly program which has a panel of very interesting experts being interrupted and side-tracked by Melvyn bloody Bragg as a format, and I was suddenly brought to full attention by an almost casual comment by one of the scientist guests. This week's show was all about parasites.

The expert mentioned that - as we all know from Tom and Jerry cartoons - mice are alerted by the smell of cat urine to the presence of cats and instinctively stay away - until they have been infected with a micro-parasite called 'toxiplasma'. Once they have this parasite in their brains, they love the smell of cat-piss and will come running up to the cat like a long-lost friend.

Further research has shown that many people who have died through their own dangerous driving have been found to be infected with toxiplasma. It is also often found in the brains of schizophrenics.

Taking it one step further, this may explain why some people just love putting themselves in the way of extreme danger by jumping out of planes, free-running, extreme-skiing, rock-climbing etc. whereas the rest of us would prefer to sit at home by the fire with a good book.

We have been told that these people are simply adrenalin junkies, but it seems to me that they may have a little micro-organism inside their heads, telling them to live life dangerously. It is pure science fiction, but quite possibly fact.


  1. This reminds me of another bit of scientific research. Of all the sado-masochists tested, every one was found to have a very mild form of frontal lobe brain-damage. Not so severe as to be noticed in any other forms of behaviour, but a possible explanation for why they enjoy having pain inflicted on them by others.

  2. Very interesting. I'm not sure I follow where the actual parasite comes from. Are people supposedly endangered by coming into contact with mice and or their waste? I've frightened myself into thinking I've introduced myself to the Hunta Virus (not sure if that is how it is spelled) by cleaning up mouse droppings in our shed and other places on the property. Nasty little things. -Jenn

    1. I only know what I heard this morning, which was my first intorduction to toxiplasma, so I know very little. I cannot believe I have reached this point in life without any other knowledge.

  3. I am ordering my zebra striped safari suit as we speak to ward off parasites that may be out to get me. I enjoyed the programme and I like Melvyn Bragg in a funny sort of way even though he can be very annoying.

    1. Yes - stripey clothing! Who would have thought it. Maybe this is why Frenchmen wear those shirts? Sorry, but I cannot abide Lord Bragg.

  4. I don't think it's very far from science fiction, Tom. Pregnant woman are routinely tested here for toxiplasmosi.
    I was always reminded by my parents to wash our home-grown vegetables very well before eating them just in case the vegetable patch had been visited by infeceted cats.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. This is all new to me, and I always thought I was one step ahead of those pesky mice.

  5. I'm reading a Michael Crichton horror of 2006 called Next. His theory is it's all in the genes.

    1. A good basis for a story line, but far too simple I think.

  6. Thank you again, Tom, for an informative post. I don't remember ever before hearing about toxiplasma.

  7. When I was driving into work this morning I heard Melvin Bragg inform us about the upcoming programme and I had to turn off the radio pretty quickly..I can't abide thinking about critters on and in me and my bedding and everything else...eeugh.

    1. I have always known that the parasites on our eyelashes can be seen with the naked eye, but have never wanted to know. Is there life on Uranus?

  8. Now you have got me worried Tom.
    Incidentally my son uses Melvyn Bragg tapes to help him get to sleep at night.

    1. Now that is pure science. Melvyn Bragg makes me angry in daylight, but I have never tried him at night.

      What I dislike most about him is his bullying og guests, and mainly female ones at that.

    2. He is terrible on every level.

  9. So much in the world to worry about and now parasites !!! Was the Texan guy in your pub tonight ? XXXX

    1. No - UPDATE: After I left, he staggered to the Gents and filled the pissoire trough with vomit. He didn't even make it to the shitter. HELL NO!!!!

  10. When I was pregnant the doctor told me I was not to scoop the litter boxes. So I happily gave the job over to hubs.
    He said toxiplasma (if present) couldn't hurt me, but could infect the baby. Hmmmmm

  11. No more Mouse Burgers for me then!
