Saturday, 15 October 2016

Please help

I don't very often use this blog to promote causes, but I am asking you to sign this petition to save the 44AD Art Gallery here in Bath, which you will no doubt want to do if you have ever visited Bath or plan to any time soon. H.I. is having a show here at the end of November.

The very basic story is a very old one - Bath City Council's property division will always look wistfully at a peice of prime retail space in the centre, and begin to imagine how much more money they could make if they took it away from the not-for-profit community-based ventures and offered it to national chains for quadrillions of lovely pounds, because they are the only people who can afford Bath's rents and rates.

These community ventures will always be encouraged to move to the imporverished outskirts, and the excuse will be that the impoverished communities there will benefit from them being in their midst, but - as always - it is a matter of money.

Please sign it and forward it if you would like Bath to save just a little bit of its community spirit, nomatter where you live:


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, they told me via email, Weave. Thank you, and also thank you to Susan, Gillian and Sue too.

  2. Done and done. For all I complain about the politics of my village, the citizens have lifted it through art.

  3. Happy to promote a good cause.

  4. Thanks to all of you so far - I am alerted to all your signatures, even though Tom is not my real name. They know, you know.

  5. Many more of you have signed, I know. Each one of you will get a proper guided tour of Bath from me - so long as you don't all turn up at the same time...

    1. Perhaps we should all show up at the same time and hold a rally for the art gallery.

    2. There will be a rally at the same time as the Council deliberates on the outcome - see 44AD's website!

  6. I hope it is done, may be i missed something.

  7. Done and, like Yael, I hope I did it right.
    Greetings Maria x

  8. Joni Mitchell's anthem, "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot," is as true today as it was in the 70's. Most cities in the US have torn down their beautiful old building as a means of "downtown revitalization" and horrible improvements funding by the government and the developers are laughing all the way to the bank.

    1. Thank you too, Donna. I love that Joni Mitchell song, but don't you want to kill her for the laugh at the very end: (High voice) "Pave paradise", (Low voice) "Put up a parrking lot - AHA HA HA!"

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rachel. According to Cro's latest post, you should hurry back home immediately.

  10. Hello Tom,
    Thanks for posting and caring. I have signed the petition Good luck

  11. Done!

    If Bath Council are anything like most others, they should firstly look at where they are wasting money elsewhere.

    1. Bath and North East Somerset Council is one of the few in the country who can afford to aquander money. Their revenue from parking fines alone is around £3 million a year.

  12. I have signed and forwarded petition to 43 others, very best of luck.

    1. That's great, Thank you. I know you have strong connections to Bath, so you will understand what I am talking about more than most.

  13. Signed, sealed and delivered !!! XXXX

  14. All your signatures have made a huge difference - around 50 of you have signed from here so far. It is very satisying to be informed of them by email.

  15. Done - hope they accept me after the Brexit?

  16. Done but why is it in German? I tried various different routes but while the info about 44AD was in English all the instructions about signing were in German which I can't read. Hope it worked.

  17. APOLOGIES to anyone who may have been forwarded another petition about murder and parole which purports to be from me - it wasn't.

    The trouble with is that once you have signed one, they pester you to sign loads of others. I signed one, then I got an invitation to sign it again, FROM MYSELF! I will be forced to scrap other notifications in order to stop them from pestering you all with them as well. It's a shame that they do this, and not let the people who set it up do it, but I suppose it gets loads of signatures.
