Sunday, 16 October 2016

Get thee behind me

There is something strange going on with this computer.

A while ago, I found myself logged into Grandson's Facebook page without ever having asked to be let in. I told him about it and advised him to change passwords, but he just asked me to log him out as he must have forgotten to do. He wasn't logged in.

Just now I went to the 44AD petition to see how many signatures they needed to hit their target of 1000 (96 at the last count) and there was The Boy's details already filled out on the petition form - including home address and postcode - ready for me to submit. This should be impossible. It is definitely not legal, and these petition systems guard against multiple signings from the same machine. I am even informed - using my real name and real email address - of signatures from this fake name of Tom Stephenson. It's a bit creepy.

Well I did not sign it using his name, but I did tell him about it. He must have done something on this computer which sparked off a connection between his laptop or accounts and me. This is another good reason not to use any 'Cloud' type systems for storing information. It seems I can just dip in and help myself.

The Devil: I wonder if he keeps his photos on iCloud...


  1. Spooky! I have a ghost story to tell tomorrow!

  2. All this computer business goes right over my head - I am an absolute ninny on everything I don't do daily.

    1. So long as you don't let them into your bank account you'll be ok, Weave.

  3. Add tonight's full moon to the spooky cloud's powers. I just signed the petition. (Even the big for-profit galleries over here keep being forced by landlords to move. Property developers keep wanting to turn more "interesting" areas into luxury apartment communities. Uptown, downtown, all around the town...Brooklyn and Queens, too. The Bronx and Staten Island seem to be still untouched.)

    1. The way it works here is that the sharks make all of the money on things that no human can do without - housing, food and money.

  4. I know a bloke who took his old computer to the tip. They said they'd dispose of it for him. And so he handed it over.
    I said I hoped he'd taken an axe to the thing first. No why? And this is a man who does all his banking on the thing. God help us when all the high street banks have gone and we have to. Yesterday " they " took Wikileaks offline and presumably the embassy where he lives. Bank information is a klax. You have to assume that everything you put on the Internet is accessible. The Oliver Stone film " Snowden " is a must see for anyone with a computer.
