Friday 20 September 2024

When a man is tired of London...

When I kick the bucket, nobody is going to say of me, 'He never complained about anything, he never moaned about his problems and he always looked for the best in everyone'. It actually makes me laugh to even imagine it.

So to carry on where I left off, I am in constant pain now and only ever comfortable when lying down. This makes me bad tempered and irritable. When I go out for a walk in the streets, I begin with a positive state of mind, but within minutes I am resenting anyone who gets in my way because I can no longer change direction quickly. Everyone seems to walk around using their phone and peripheral vision, not noticing obstructions until they force me to come to a dead stop.

Loud noises - ambulance sirens, the air brakes on lorries and busses etc. - are sometimes verging on unbearable. I sometimes have to leave cafes because I cannot bear listening to other people's conversations - especially if they are through the loudspeaker of a mobile phone. Amplified buskers drive me nuts - especially if they are playing crap music. I went on a one-hour river cruise through the countryside a few weeks ago and it was peaceful and calming until one of the crew began a monotonous and banal commentary which lasted all the way out and all the way back. The speaker was right above my head.

I enjoy sitting outside in town with a coffee just watching passers-by, but after a while everyone begins to look freakish and unattractive. I notice more and more obese men, women and children and my heart sinks until I have to go back home to escape the visual overload.

On my occasional visits to the pub, I begin to enjoy the company after a couple of drinks and and a taste of Class-A drugs, but I am aware of the dangerous illusion and know it cannot last.

I love living in town but I would also love to have an escape hut in the countryside. Sitting under trees in a park is very soothing.

Ok, that is off my chest for another few years.


  1. Bravo, all said. Pain is horrible but can be alleviated for a time. I can imagine Bath being very noisy and full of people you may not necessarily like. I doubt you are coming to the end rather it is 'Grumpy old Man day'
    It will go away believe me.

  2. I am probably the same but strive to get physically better if I can. It feels like a losing battle sometimes. Everyone is obese and still eating more and I see them too.
