Friday 9 August 2024

Sod off, Elon Musk

The landline rang yesterday and a woman in a busy call centre was on the other end. She had an Indian accent.

"Am I speaking to Mr Stephenson?" she asked. I lied and said that she was, so she launched into her script about being from the Microsoft security department. I interrupted her by saying that she was not from Microsoft - she was a criminal.

"YOU ARE A MOTHERFUCKER!" she screamed. "MOTHERFUCKING JERK!" She was obviously having a bad day but it was an entertaining start to mine.

Yesterday I suddenly realised what the social atmosphere in this country at the moment  reminds me of. All of us who voted to remain in the E.U. in the deeply depressing days following the referendum were being told that we were bad losers, we were moaners and we should just accept the will of the majority and look forward to all the golden opportunities that being independent from our closest continent would bring.

Now that Labour have got in, the only people who are not behaving like the spoilt children we were accused of being are the Conservative Party themselves. They have been positively gracious, but under the circumstances there is not a lot else they can be.

There is the usual blame being dished-out by Labour for situations that neither party could have had any control over, and dire warnings about a grim future are being given by the Right this time, not the Left, but it is business as usual in the long run.

Starmer has been forced to hit the ground running by the spate of riots across the country and - by Jove - he is doing a good job in arresting hundreds of them and sending them to prison for long stretches in record time. He has convicted some anti-fascist rioters as well as the fascists themselves, so no more bollocks about two-tier policing please.

Elon Musk has been causing more disgraceful damage than even that git in a five star hotel in Cyprus by promoting the accusations of two-tier policing in Britain, claiming that Britain is building concentration camps against free speech and predicting that civil war in Britain is 'inevitable'.  He is just another embittered right-winger, but the difference is that he has 190,000,000 followers on the platform he hi-jacked by buying it, and there is no moderation available on his tweets.

We are often accused of meddling in U.S. politics when we make reasonable observations about Donald Trump, but the thing is that the President of the U.S.A. is the most powerful person in the world and the decisions made by him/her affect all of us - for good or ill. It IS our business.

The murder of those children has brought a lot of scum to the surface and even gave a very dubious excuse to normally moderate people to begin showing support for the rioters. Yes, there is a problem with mass immigration to this country, but stop looking for scapegoats. It will take time to sort it out and civil war will not fix it. 


  1. Elon Musk recently announced on twitter that anyone who used the word "wierd" on his platform would be blocked from using it, since everyone has the right to have a political opinion without being ridiculed. Which is terribly ironic, don't you think? The fact of it is that a huge number of his users are not far right wingnuts. I would love to see several million users type 'wierd' and wait to be bocked. He would crash his platform. Trump was gifted a Tesla the other day. He stated that because Musk came out in strong support of trump, he was going to stop criticizing the EV industry.

    They have a name for that. You may have heard of it: 'quid pro quo'.

    Harris has taken the lead in nearly every poll.

    1. Musk is continuing to spread trouble throughout the world by truly meddling in other people's politics. The weirdo is drunk with power but does not have the mental capacity to understand what he is doing, and the diminishing number of people surrounding him are too scared to give him sensible advice.

  2. Musk and Trump are aligned and they are spewing their thinking much of which is to dismiss and disarm Harris and her large number of American supporters. Harris is leading well in our polls. The sooner our elections are over and hopefully Harris is in office (which is looking more likely each day), Trump will become more silent.
    Enforcing prison sentences for violent fascist rioters was a great move and it sends a zero tolerance message to others considering such actions.

    1. America was not so swift when they stormed the building.

    2. As for Americans that stormed the US White House: They were all convicted in US courts for doing so. Trump was also convicted and then our Supreme Court Justices (SCJ) revoked the decision. Trump states when he is elected President (unlikely), he will pardon the prison sentences for all those that stormed the building.

    3. Oh yes, so he did. Shots were fired in there as well.

  3. I like your new government. I don't think our passing of the baton will be so easy as some think. It's still up to the voters, and that under a cockamamie electoral college system. However, a lot of grass roots work can put Harris in the WH.

  4. I don't know what to say really, everything goes from good to bad in a blink of an eye. Starmer definitely did good by speeding up the court system to charge and imprison some of the thugs. Law enforcement worked beautifully. I am not sure how the 'Musk show' will work out, rich men dabbling in politics can easily get their fingers burnt. I noted yesterday that several countries had banned his website, they were of course the ones we are not particularly enamoured with but perhaps we could stop his website coming into the country, though apparently 'Trlrgram' is also a meeting place for skullduggery.

    1. Those nasty rioters probably thought that A: they would not be identified and B: they would get onto a 5 year waiting list to be put on trial. If Harris gets in there will be another huge backlash, then hopefully Musk and Trump will fade away.

    2. Let's hope they crawl into the Dark Net.

  5. edit; Should check before the publish button 'Telegram'

  6. The more attention he gets the worse he gets.

    1. He might go quiet after the election - and after the probable backlash if Harris gets in.

    2. P.S. You have completely disappeared from my reading list. I think you made yourself invisible when you hit the go-away button the other day.

  7. I find it strange that, they said they need to release thousands of prisioners as our prisons are so overcrowded yet they can rush through the court system to imprison these people and yet every other trial can take years to be sorted ! The labour party only won 33.8 % of the vote which doesn't bode well. XXXX

    1. They have utilised an ex camp in case of over capacity with prisons, which is presumably where Musk got his notion of concentration camps. They rushed the trials to quell the riots, which I think was a good move. I am partly responsible for Labour's small margin - I voted Lib Dem!

  8. WOW. What a response from the criminal. Bad day for her, eh?
