Saturday 8 June 2024

Strange days

I have been too busy/preoccupied/tired to do much blogging recently but I catch up at the weekend. I have been too busy to drive to a Lidl as well, so now I design dinner according to yellow labels at Waitrose, my corner shop. I have turned into a good little housewife.

I spotted some lamb leg steaks reduced from almost £17 (!) to £7, so this weekend will be a rare chance for a roast. I forgot to pick some wonderful fresh mint at my workshop which I planted a few years ago, but I am not driving out there on a Saturday and I am not (maybe) going to buy some inferior mint at Waitrose for about £1 a sprig. If there ever were any yellow labels on mint it would be the same colour as the label, but with 10p knocked-off.

I accidentally (don't ask) bought a bag of frozen cherries which have now defrosted, so I have to think of a recipe for a pudding which will use them up. Any ideas? I want to include ground almonds with them if that helps. I need to know what I am doing before I go out today, so please get your skates on.

Like a lot of other people, I am a bit obsessed with the disappearance of Michael Mosley on the Greek island, and in one way I hope he is doing an Agatha Christie so that he can be shouted at when he resurfaces, even if he did tell his wife of his plans before setting out, but I have a feeling this will not be the case. It is a shame that Dead Ringers had begun to make a very good impersonation of him - boost! - which they will not be able to air unless he really is found alive.

I asked some young friends if they understand the phenomena that is Taylor Swift the other day, and to my relief they said that it was just as much a mystery to them as it is to me. I thought it might be my age, but then I remembered that I didn't understand Beatle Mania  either. 

A few more friends and acquaintances have died since I last spoke about it. To me these times seem very strange indeed. 


  1. I saw the Taylor Swift Eras Concert at the cinema recently and was very impressed with her versatility and performance. I knew nothing about her before I went. She covered songs from her entire career, played piano and was a great entertainer. I went to see it twice. I know nothing about cherry preparation.

  2. I made a cherry cobbler with fresh cherries the other day, and it was pretty good. You can Google any basic cobbler recipe, they're basically just flour, butter, sugar, and milk. Fruit cobbler is amazing served warm with vanilla ice cream!

  3. I'm probably too late but a cherry crumble might be good?

  4. Save the cherries for breakfast and take three eggs, whisk up with the almonds and throw in the cherries and bake in the over for 20 to 30 minutes.

    1. Thanks, but I did something cold, described below.

  5. It sounds like work is keeping you very busy. The lamb sounds like a wonderful meal.

    1. Work has all come at once, after months of inactivity. I did something Greek with the lamb.

  6. Replies
    1. I love clafouti and have made it quite a lot, but only with fresh cherries.

  7. It is truly sobering when we lose contemporaries. We find ourselves staring our own imortality square in the eye.

    Ditto what Joanne said.

    1. Yes. It is creeping up on us - sometimes it jumps on us.

  8. Too late for dessert advice but I'd be suggesting a cobbler too!

    1. I ended up mixing yoghourt with a little sugar (I forgot to use honey) and the ground almonds, grating nutmeg on it and throwing in the cherries. Good for Summer.

  9. I do not understand the phenomena of Taylor Swift either but my granddaughter is off to see her soon, having paid a large sum of money for the ticket. Poor Michael Mosley, his fate unknown, so sad. They have been featuring him on the radio all this week on how to keep healthily and alive and then this disappearance, fate has a horrible way of working sometimes.

  10. From where I am sitting I can assure you life gets stranger by the day. I keep reading about Taylor Swift but have not seen/heard her We are getting old Tom - let's face it.

    1. Yes, we are getting old but I know a lot of young-uns who don't understand either.

  11. PS Cherries and almond - yum. Taste a cherry. If they are sweet and delicious eat them as they are but with plenty of clotted cream (and while you are out getting the clotted cream can't you find a garden with mint and cadge/steal a bit) You have bargain lamb so don't spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar.

    1. I did the cherries (frozen) as described to MrsC above, and I did the lamb Greek style with rosemary and lemon - all fresh and not spoiled!

  12. I expect you've made whatever you have made by now ! I was going to say Clafouti or a frangipan tart. My granddaughter is going to see Taylor Swift in August I think. .....the only song I know of hers is ' Shake it Off ' !!! The show looks pretty amazing. I loved The Beatles and screamed through their show twice ! I feel very sad about Michael Moseley ...... he seemed a nice man who was trying to teach people about nutrition .... he said it is never taught when you're a medical student. XXXX

    1. Both are favourites. So you were a Beatle maniac! Yes, it is so sad that he died a hundred yards away from help.

  13. -was sorry to read of Mosely's demise.
