Saturday 21 October 2023


It's hard to believe that this used to be my passport photo. I look more like Zapata as portrayed in The Simpsons.

I remember the time of my first passport photo, in the days when you had to go to a professional photographer to have one taken.

The photographer was a pain in the arse, but aren't they all? I sat down in front of the camera and stayed still, waiting for him to press the shutter. In the days of celluloid they did not want to waste any more film than they had to, so he spent a long time fiddling about with the settings before telling me to smile. I did not want to smile and told him so.

"Come on," he whined, "You can manage a little smile, can't you?"

I held my ground and he eventually - and reluctantly - took the shot. These days you are not permitted to smile, which is why all men look like terrorists in their passports.

Sometimes people would ask me why I never smiled unless I was laughing. To me it felt as though I was smiling like a baby with bad wind, but my face just fell into vacancy without any instructions from me.

Apparently, the Ayatollah Khomeini was an avuncular barrel of laughs when he was not on camera, but considered smiling an undignified act for someone in his position. I wonder how the situation in Iran would have differed if he had just laughed a few times on camera when in office. I had quite a few good Iranian friends in the days of the Shah and I know that they all like having a good time. Poor sods.


  1. Iranian humour: I spent a weekend with 6 Iranian men in Hastings some years ago, sitting on a carpet and eating huge quantities of giant pistachio nuts and drinking tea. They had a miniature white dog which scampered around providing some entertainment. One of them said something and the others fell about laughing. I asked for a translation and was told that the wag of the group had said (about the slowest of the group) to the dog, 'Don't worry about him. He just said the name of God whilst sitting on the toilet'.

  2. Khomeini will be having a good laugh now. In fact he has probably been laughing non stop since 1979.

  3. When we had our passport pictures taken, Tim had to report back for a retake. He was wearing his glasses AND he smiled. Neither was allowed.

    1. A friend of mine had a passport photo taken with dark sunglasses on. They accepted it but he always had to put them on at passport control.

  4. My phone often has 'face not recognised' on it which drives me round the bend but bus or passport I am fairly recognisable without the smile. Your blurry photo looks like a terrorist, the blue hair a disguise ;)

    1. Even without blue hair I still find it difficult to blend in. No good for private detective work.

  5. You were ahead of the curve with the blue hair. Most passport photos are not flattering. Your photo is not bad at all. What will Iran's next move be? It is all tenterhooks.

  6. Oh Tom - is that really what you look/ed like? I have almost gone off you but not quite. It is all a long time ago and some things are best left to the imagination.

    1. I prefer that look to reality. Never meet your heroes, Weave...

  7. Mrs Slocombe’s brother ( I couldn’t insert Pussy into that)

  8. My passport is only five years old, but my glasses are on. My driver's license is the very same age, glasses off, please! And that's only the beginning of a grave new world.

    1. I suppose they want to make sure you are not so blind that you cannot find the middle of the lens?

  9. You look very good, blue hair or not - would have noticed you standing in a queue JFK airport, but not afraid of you being a terrorist.

  10. I read somewhere that the no smiling, slack jaw rule for passport photos is so that you can be identified if you have died in a foreign country.
    It depends on how you died I suppose.

    1. I never thought of that. Perhaps they could use a taser on your cheeks so you could smile for the passport?
