Friday, 16 June 2023

Fiddling whilst Rome burns

I was really looking forward to not thinking about Donald Trump or Boris Johnson for a while, but they are not going without an unedifying fight.

Labour has described Boris as a 'Pound Shop Trump' and one of his erstwhile Conservative colleagues has said that he was the worst prime minister in British history, for many obvious reasons.

Boris is so graceless that he is going to cause as much unrest and division as he can by continuing to show the contempt for Parliament for which he has just been punished with a suggested 90 day ban from the House - not that he is a member any more. He saw that coming even before the publication of the report.

Everyone knows that he has lied for the last two years when he has known the truth, and when he is not lying he is hiding the truth. As much as I despise Tony Blair, at least he did some real good in office.

The Privileges Committee report was not a witch-hunt. It is the confirmation of what everyone - on both sides - has known ever since that red bus decorated with lies first parked up in London.

Next week Parliament will vote on the report, and many Conservatives are going to find an excuse to abstain, no matter what their feelings are. They don't want to alienate themselves on either side of the issue.

Wouldn't it be good to have a real government again? One that actually works on the huge problems facing everyone now, rather than fighting for their jobs, reputations and leadership of their constituencies.


  1. 'Recent reading of the 'goings on' down there lead me to suggest that locking up all broom cupboards and hiding place corners would be a good place to start. M Ps with any sense of exactly what they are there for seem to get fewer and fewer. Integrity seems often to be in short supply.

  2. I'm not a fan of BJ or DT. That said, of the two, in my opinion, BJ is smarter. DT has gone to trial, yet he states he intends to run for US President. BJ and DT should be banished from public office.

  3. Both the yellow haired ones make us despair. How can we trust any politician in the future?

  4. If the yellow haired idiot over here keeps his legal wits about him and runs for president, he could win, without a lot of hard work to defeat him. And if he wins, we would be in for worse trouble.

  5. I don't understand why tRUMP is allowed to run for office. I don't understand how anyone in their right minds cannot see what he is. But just two days ago, Tim's cousin was pressing for everyone to sign a petition that no more of our tax dollars be used to investigate tRUMP. I was going to write back and tell him that I had just signed the petition that no more of my tax dollars be used to investigate the 2020 election. I kept my mouth shut. Peace in family, etc.

  6. Johnson is now fitting himself into the Daily Mail as a columnist to stir up trouble for parliament. Apparently such moves are wrong according to the laws of parliament. But then.............

  7. Boris is an awful human being. Full stop.
    At least trump has been indicted. He will likely run for office while behind bars should it come to that.

  8. It seems he has accepted a lucrative job writing a column for the Daily Mail. Even this turns out to be a breach of procedural rules but for Boris I suspect he went to the highest bidder and from there he can spout his elitist rubbish. I wonder how many Daily Mail readers know the meaning of the word egregious. They probably deserve him.
    The worst part of his legacy of his time in office is sowing the seeds of the notion that it is possible to break rules wholesale and get away with it. What a role model for people to follow and there are still plenty that think he's a jolly good laugh. He's made fools of the country, of the law, of his fellow politicians and the rest of us. That he awarded an OBE to his hairdresser in his honours list is the ultimate middle finger to the nation! Good riddance.
