Thursday 3 November 2022

Give us a clue

Last week I came to the end of a 7 week job involving a 60 foot scaffold tower and a half  ton of proper lime mortar. I cannot say I feel fitter for the experience, but it did not break me. We were very lucky on all counts, especially with the weather. You cannot use lime mortar during periods of frost, and this summer's heat would have made it next to impossible too. The 50 year-old owner was also my assistant and he made very generous allowances for my age and arthritis.  Sometimes it is good to be paid to do something which requires no mental exercise, especially if the money is good.

I have not been blogging much during the job - partly due to the fact that Blogger will not let me sign in on my iPhone, and by the time I get home I am knackered and have to cook. I don't do recipes.

I have - more than once - said that when I get tired of blogging I remember Weaver (Pat Thistlethwait) and continue to blog because of her. She has said - also more than once - that she relies on all of us to keep her entertained, so I think that this is not just a duty, it is a pleasure to think that we do.

We are all a bit worried about her of course, and her son is not responding to any messages asking him about his mother's current circumstances, even though he continues to write as if nothing is going on at all. Just a word from him would put us right, no matter what that word was. 

Rishi Sunak struck a deal with Suella Braverman to secure his success in the latest contest and he is now paying a high price for it. Who broke the migrant system which she says she is trying to fix? What Home Secretary would deliberately allow the conditions in a holding centre to deteriorate so badly that it sends a message to would-be migrants about how Britain is such an appalling place to be that they should not bother to risk their lives in rubber dinghies to get here? 

She pledged to get the overcrowded centre emptied as soon as possible and began that work by dumping coach loads of  desperate, hungry people on the pavement in central London yesterday. Ordinary bystanders had to arrange to have them rescued.

Like every other member of this hopeless cabinet, she defends herself in Parliament by blaming others. Today it is Albania's fault. 

France is accused of taking money to stem the flow of desperadoes but they still get over here in numbers. Why? Because France hates us even more since Brexit, and even a stinking, overcrowded and disease-ridden holding centre in Kent is better than  rows of tarpaulins in a sea of mud at Calais.

She has already been sacked once. She needs to be sacked again soon, even if only to save the Conservative Party.


  1. It's seems hard to believe that Weaver's son is writing as if nothing is happening, and ignoring requests for information about her! I wonder why he would do that.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Sorry Debby. We don't know anything, so it is unfair to criticise at the moment.

  2. Replies
    1. So has Netanyahu, Bolsonaro, Le Penn and Trump. They are all symptoms who are using the old divide and rule tactic.

  3. SB seems very controversial. That said, she is a member of the conservative party and has a good number of supporters (as Rachel states). I believe RS decision to bring SB back is tactical. Give it time. She might just self-implode. I think about Pat every day and check her blog. It would be nice to know what is happening but her son is calling all the shots and seems to think otherwise. Pat would be in touch if she could be; I have no doubt.

    1. I don't think we can comment on what Weave's son is doing at the moment. We don't have any information and cannot judge. Debby got a bit too personal.

    2. You are absolutely right. This is a family matter and privacy is important. The message is clear (silence).

  4. I think we all miss Pat terribly Tom, over the years she commented on our blogs and was part of our lives. But rather than fear the worst and demanding that we should know something, perhaps her son is treating it as a family matter, which it is.
    You know full well that this country is divided (similar to America) into roughly two broad bands of opinion about the fate of immigrants, Brexit, etc. SB represents the extreme right but she will be pulled down by a press who just loves the fray and I think RS is hoping for that.

    1. I totally agree. I already said as much, but my reply disappeared.

  5. Brexit made Britain poorer and now it's officially in recession because of it.

    1. They can't blame it all on covid and Ukraine any more, though some try. We have made some mindlessly stupid decisions recently.

  6. Hi, is there any chance you can direct me to Weaver's son, so that I can see what he's saying? Thanks Cathy

    1. Yes, does he blog too?

    2. Yes, but I'm not getting involved in a pile-on at this stage. Things tend to get out of hand these days and I think I am too involved already.

    3. Hi, I appreciate that you don't know me, but I am not that sort of person . . . but then I would say that wouldn't i?

  7. Someone has written a note to say that "Weaver" has had a short spell in hospital but is now safely back home.
    I think that she should be left in peace, and given time I am sure that
    she will return.

  8. The madness needs to end. It hasn't for you, it won't for us, so I'm going to bed.

  9. I like that the client was both helpful and made allowances for you while on the job. And I can imagine not wanting to blog when coming home from a physically rigorous day.

  10. It is a mess..they are in a hole and keep on digging.
    Glad you had understanding help on a job like that..and that you got it done before the weather changed

  11. Straight from Weave's mouth: They kept quiet because of the unoccupied house. This is a good lesson in jumping to conclusions and speculating on them publicly!

    1. If ever there was a good reason for comment moderation, it was in this case!

    2. Have you changed your thinking now re: comments moderation?
