Thursday 20 October 2022

Selling Yorkshire tea to China

There is a joke running around European diplomatic circles right now which is, 'Maybe we should lend Britain some politicians'.

I am trying to make the best of it now by finding entertainment in our domestic news. When I get home I listen to find out what has happened in Whitehall today, and the more that happens the more I am amused. I actually laugh out loud sometimes. I have stopped being bored by it all now. I mean, how can you be bored with this ridiculous situation which changes hour by hour? To a certain extent it is true that you cannot be angry and laugh at the same time. That works in reverse too.

Our leaders made us a laughing-stock a couple of years ago and everyone thought it couldn't get any funnier. This was even when we had politicians who were worthy of the title. Now it has degenerated into Norman Wisdom slapstick, with Tory politicians physically bundling reluctant members through the right lobby door, kicking and screaming.

Us Brits are easily embarrassed though, and you cannot get more embarrassing than Liz Truss. Like Margaret Thatcher, she has no discernible sense of humour, but the difference is that Thatcher was a highly talented and clever politician.

Maybe I should not have said that about Truss. We have been proved wrong about outcomes on a daily basis since Brexit, and a week used to be a long time in politics. 

I just wish it wasn't the poor and their children who will end up paying for all this.

Cometh the moment...


  1. Well said. We listen to the radio in the point stressing after hearing at night! With one Conservative after another. MPs and officials, giving voice to doubts and complaints, plus the non democratic shenanigans in the voting lobby last night...what next?

  2. The sad thing is their majority is too much for a general election.

    1. If King Charles had a mind to do so, he could order a general election, but he won't.

  3. I wonder if all those voters in the red wall constituencies, who thought Boris was their hero and would end all their troubles by getting Brexit done, might at last be cottoning on to the idea that this government care not a jot about them other than conning them into voting them in.

    1. No, they might even vote Boris back in. They are idiots.

  4. A week still is a long time Tom if this week is anything to go by. Just watched her resign on the one o'clock news. We should have known it was coming when th e King said 'Dear Oh Dear'.

  5. I'm at least two hours behind the news. She's resigned, well blow me down with a feather, it is too funny for words.

  6. You are due for a treat today. Watch Truss's facial expressions as she makes her statement. She's a psychopath.

    1. Looking at her facial expressions makes me feel a little ill.

  7. Your political system is incomprehensible to me. That's probably for the best! 😂 I won't mention ours.

  8. This is all quite surprising to me. US news says BJ might be back. Now that really surprised me. Do you have any ideas on the next candidates? King Charles was right...Oh Dear!

    1. Frighteningly, there is a very good chance that BJ will return. For the sake of the country I am hoping that they choose Sunak, but they are so stupid that they probably won't. The Conservatives have almost ruined the UK, but Labour would probably have ruined it another way.

  9. Tom, I find your current politics too bizarre for words and find myself unable to comment of late for fear of finding myself "bund(led)... through the right lobby door." That must mean something. Much as I love reading you, perhaps I should just announce my coming and going with a .
    I was late to bed last night. Your Instagram was sent to my email account and something I should read, and it is now quite large; bigger than the first time I looked. Nice work.

    1. Not your personal politics. I like King Charles myself.

    2. They are pretty bizarre for us too. How do you get Instagram sent by email?

    3. I will tell you if you explain the "right lobby door".

  10. Replies
    1. We said a couple of years ago that things would never be the same but I did not realise how different. Britain lost a lot of respect after Brexit, and now this. I am ashamed of our politicians.

  11. Chaos indeed. Still, I have to argue that the world will never see a buffoon as buffoonish at Trump, although he has the added bonus of being the epitome of evil.
