Friday, 27 May 2022

Where do you stand on farts?

I feel deprived that Weave has deliberately scuppered any chance for me to make a fart gag within the first line of her latest post, so I am going to make up for it here. I deserve it to myself.

The world is divided between those who find farts funny and those who don't. You might think that these groups are divided between men and women or boys and girls, but they are not. I know many women who find (some) farts funny, but now I think of it I know many more who don't.

For me, farts are like a sausage. The very word 'sausage' is inherently funny to my mind. 


  1. I find talking about farts funny and the idea that Weave's post might be about farting was very funny and then it was about gardening and weather and I was disappointed. I can remember farting incidents in my life from decades ago that still make me laugh.

  2. What's not to laugh about when it comes to the poof or bang? It happens to even the most civilized and well mannered. The reactions are often even funnier.

  3. The fart scene in Blazing Saddles always cracks me up.

    1. Mel Brooks hams it up so much that it becomes a relentless assault which makes you want to laugh just to get rid of him.

  4. I must say I had you in mind when I added the disclaimer Tom.

  5. No getting around or away, or over or under.

  6. On hearing (or delivering) a fart my Dad would say 'One less pound in the Doctors pocket' or 'Better an empty house than a bad tenant'

  7. I am a realist. Farts happen.
