Sunday 21 November 2021

Sorry, we don't get it

I suppose it was bound to be done. Half the visitors pretending to hold up the moon in the same way they stop the tower from falling over in Pisa. I bet they took a photo of their evening meal for social media too. Me? A snob?

I was thinking yesterday about how eery it is that we on Earth only ever see one side of the moon, and it just so happens that it takes up exactly the same amount of sky as the sun despite the vast distance between them, allowing spectacular eclipses with the brilliant diamond ring effect. Coincidence in the Goldilocks Zone?

I can just imagine God becoming increasingly exasperated with us as we endlessly discuss the best way of providing the power we need these days in order to function as a modern civilisation.

For heaven's sake! Look up! What else do I have to show you?! It could not be more obvious! The sun throws down more power in one minute than all of you could ever use in your whole lifetimes combined! The moon shifts unimaginably huge amounts of water up and down every day with enough force to drive trillions of turbines for eternity! Use your bloody heads!


  1. Don't know what's wrong with this idea: middle east stops shipping oil and instead uses sunlight to electrolyse hydrogen which is shipped to Europe in the disused tankers which then carry water back. Oh - they could use sunlight to distill water too. Imbalance continues. Everyone happy.

  2. Common sense is not common

    1. Common sense does not fit in with the wealth-creators' plans.

  3. The for profit model trumps all again. Same old, same old...

    1. Everything that we depend on as essential for basic living has been privatised for a long time here. They have us by the balls. I have come to accept that - for us in the UK - mini nuclear reactors would be a good supplement to natural power production by wind, solar and tide. Submarines have been using them for ages and the genii is out of the bottle already.

  4. Replying to your comment on my blog Tom, yes, very hurtful and unpleasant and untrue comments were made on my blog ten years ago by someone who shared a personal loss . Therefore I stick with comment moderation. It means that I do get the chance to read every comment that comes in and not miss any. It means that double posts and spam do not get in. The word verification only kicks in if a commenter is from without Google.

    1. Oh, I see. I find that I hardly ever re-visit a comment if it does not appear after I have left it, that's all. I sort of lose the will.
