Thursday 15 July 2021

Night Scented Stock at sundown

Two nights ago I was sitting in the kitchen, a few feet away from this shadow, when I heard a very loud TWEET from a bird I did not recognise.

I got up from the seat and strode to the window, expecting to see the bird down on the little flat roof outside, but I moved so quickly that I did not see the yellow canary which had settled on a pot inside the room and my rapid approach scared it back out into the big, hostile world.

I probably could have saved it by holding my finger out, but the Big Friendly Giant fucked-up in this instance.

I wonder if it still exists.


  1. It simply was not meant to be. The bird clearly was not destined to stay and it flew out the window. No harm done.

    1. I don't believe in destiny. That's God's business. I don't believe I did any harm either.

  2. One of those strange moments in time. What would you have done if you had caught it? Caged to live out its little life, or let it free to probably die a quick death at the beak of a prey bird.

    1. The plan I formulated in the one second it was there (later embellished with possibilities) was to leave in an open cage with seeds and water near a window and give it a chance for a second decision.

  3. Strange I did a similar post one evening a couple of years back when the honeysuckle reflected a shadow on the wall

  4. I had a cockatiel years back. He was a interested little thing, and one of the things that he learned to mimic was me, calling the cats. He escaped and flew off one day. It broke my heart to picture him out stumping around in the big wild world calling, "Heeeeeeeeeere, kitty, kitty, kitty."

    1. Darwinism at its best. 'The Short-lived Cockatiel' could have become... no, it would have lasted one generation without the help of Disney.
