Saturday 22 May 2021

Forward to a bright new future!

Things must be getting back to normal. The Jane Austen impersonators are promenading around Bath again today. I am almost pleased to see them.

The fallout of Brexit is still rumbling quietly on under cover of Covid. At one point we had a two-day war with France off the coast of Jersey (or was it Guernsey? I always get the two confused), and I genuinely  believe this was more to do with protecting the sea bed against the brutal trawling and dredging that the French fleet go in for, and not a spiteful punishment on behalf of the Brits. When Macron threatened to turn the lights off for the islanders, that rekindled the traditional hostility between our two great nations, and I almost offered my services to the Royal Navy.

As far as I can tell, the only benefit that Brexit has brought to the U.K. is the freedom to order as much vaccine as we like, when we like. Everything else is turning into a crock of shit. God knows what will happen if Nicola Sturgeon gets her way and England is sandwiched between two E.U. borders with two invisible ones running North to South on the longest coastlines. Never trust a woman who is named after a big fish.

The Martin Bashir disgrace is just the excuse that they have been looking for to gain even more coercive control over the BBC.  Boris Johnson cannot believe his luck and, quite honestly, neither can I. The Conservatives smelled blood when Marxist Corbyn first arrived and now they are putting the boot in hard to finish the wounded Labour party off for good. This situation - with so many safe Northern Labour seats now occupied by Tories - is something that nobody could have possibly imagined in their wildest dreams or nightmares.

As the stupid old Labour grandees desperately try to bring the party back to ideological basics, the Conservatives have taken a leaf out of Tony Blair's book and are stealing the very policies that Labour should have come up with after the long and disgraceful reign of New Labour. They are even re-nationalising the railways for Christ's sake!

By the time they have finished Labour will have absolutely nothing to offer, as is now usual.


  1. I am expecting the result of the next General Election to be like that after WW2, an unexpected Labour victory.

    1. Could be. Political swings have become very difficult to predict over the last few years. Expect the unexpected.

  2. Correction: The group I mistook for Jane Austen fanatics are just a party from the the local theatre reminding people that theatre still exists. It was the one dressed up as Bo Peep that fooled me.

  3. I once had teacher called Mrs Cod - didn't trust her either! Ha ha..

    1. Let's keep the fish-related references going. It would please Sarah Toa and make a nice change from domestic politics for every other non-Brit, I am sure.

  4. I once considered marrying a chap called Cod and the name put me off too.

    1. Did the smell put you off too Weave? I once had a girlfriend called Salmon - her last name, of course.

    2. I knew someone called Lily who married a Mr Pond. When he died she married a Mr Pool.

  5. This timing is fishy(sorry!) Trawling up something that went on 26 years ago, and the Beeb has put in measures to prevent a recurrence and to improve how things are organised.
    So what are they hiding? (The government that is)

    1. In the words of David Cameron, lessons must be learned.

  6. Following your politics is like watching salmon swim upstream.
    (Points for trying).

    1. Points for fishing for compliments awarded.

  7. I once had a friend with the last name Fish. The pendulum of party politics. Good, bad, evil?

  8. Carp-ing on about politics again?
