Friday, 5 February 2021

Handforth Parish Council meeting

If you haven't already seen this and ever wondered what goes on at parish council zoom meetings, you couldn't waste your time watching it any better than they can.


  1. I recognise this so much having had a sting on the community council
    I loved this video x

    1. I wish I didn't identify with all the old men in this, but I have to admit I recognise myself.

  2. Yes, that's Parish Council meetings for you up and down the land. Our local one has had the police called to the last two meetings, two councillors removed and the clerk sacked. All very British.

  3. It's what it would be like if we tried to have a Blogger meeting on Zoom.

  4. Darling Tom,

    Gosh! And we thought that such occasions would be rather genteel affairs. How wrong can one be?

    Well, our only group meetings of any size on Zoom are with St. George's Church in Venice.... more sedate, certainly and the congregation is ten times larger than it ever was when 'live'.

    1. We spent three days trying to gain access to the Carpaccio mural of St George there, and eventually were led up a small staircase to the room (where the Cardinals selected a Pope once) and spent about an hour on our own, without tourists, taking it in. So you have zoom services there?

    2. Darling Tom,

      We think that you might have confused our dear Anglican church of St George in Dorsoduro with the Scuola di San Giorgio which does have the most fabulous, if rather dark, Carpaccios.

      Our St George's was once a warehouse, now repurposed as a church with an undistinguished painting of the patron saint above the altar. Nevertheless, we love it and now join in via Zoom every Sunday with Father Malcolm.

      When we are in Venice we attend with on average 4/5 other congregants. Thanks to Zoom, we number around 25/30 each Sunday. It is not the same, but it keeps the community alive in a fashion.

  5. We have just seen it....yes, pretty typical of committee meetings in many places...and at least some people know who are their councillors now!!

    1. As I said to John, I wish I did not identify with the old men as much as I am forced to.

  6. At least they met on Zoom. Ours were going to hold a meeting in the village hall mid-lockdown until there was a bit of a local outcry.

    I didn't watch the lot. Less than two minutes in it was pretty obviously going to be like so many meetings (usually about meetings about meetings) I've already sat through!

    1. The only advantage to watching the lot is the reinforcement of the stupidity of it.

  7. As clerk for my township for thirteen years, I attest to the accuracy of this recording. And I took the minutes and wrote it all down, occasionally to the dismay of the chair. Once when I knew she would be out of order, I carried a tape recorder in my pocket. Wonderful times.

    1. It's a good job we don't have amateur lawyers.

  8. Politics...definitely not for the faint of heart.

    1. Amateur politics is for people who have too much time on their hands.

  9. Well I am listening to it and so glad that women balance men. Never done a Zoom it is so funny and disconnected. Our Parish meetings in the church are very polite (and a bit more intelligent) !

    1. I really sympathise with women who have to deal with men like me.
