Thursday, 22 October 2020

In and out of the kitchen

I've come over all medieval. Tonight I cooked a pigeon pie with apricots, nutmeg and almonds. What you see is tomorrow's dinner. Below is a beeswax taper. I would like to have Dido Harding round for dinner so I can tell her what I think of her and her undeserved positions in public life which we are all now suffering from, whether you have a TalkTalk account or not. Lifestyle my arse. I have refreshed my anger for another 24 hours.



  1. Is it literally made of pigeons? I love chicken pot pie so I'm guessing that a pigeon pie might be okay, but the thought of it weirds me out a little. I love real beeswax candles! I've been meaning to get some beeswax from a science teacher at the school were I work. She's a certified beekeeper and we have a school hive that produces honey for the kids to sell. I'd like to make some simple poured candles out of pure beeswax!

    1. It is made from the breasts (about 6) of Wood Pigeon. Wild and shot, of course. Very dark this time of year because they eat a lot of Ivy berries. Delicious. Get your beeswax from the net, but a beeswax blend makes better candles in truth. It's as sticky as hell.

    2. Beeswax smells wonderful when burning though.

  2. The pie bits look like two people looking at each other. The one on the left is looking down on the bloodied one on the right. I think there's a message there, not sure who is who though.

    1. Oh dear. What have I started? Ink blots next.

    2. Can you see it? They are talking to each other.

    3. I see a Greek God in the positive, but that's it. Maybe I am sane.

    4. I see the shifting of tectonic plates. ;)

  3. Tom..You dark horse you..Well, not realy! :)
    Pigeon should have called..Love
    pigeon, any game for that matter, l do make,
    Gamekeepers pie, properly make using Rook..
    But! Pigeon will do instead..!

    I must confess..l had to Google Harding..
    Diana Mary "Dido" Harding, Baroness Harding of Winscombe
    (born 9 November 1967) is a British Conservative Party
    businesswoman serving as chairwoman of NHS Improvement
    since 2017, and head of the NHS Test and Trace programme
    and acting Chair of the National Institute for Health
    Protection since 2020...
    What a load of bullshit..Jeeeese! One thing l did notice,
    they missed out the 'L' in Dido..! :o).

    Well...l think they could be a profile of Donald and Boris! :o).

    1. You missed out CEO of TalkTalk - the phone company with the most complaints attached to it than any other, but is still expanding into other areas of which they have no experience or expertise. I am surprised they have not applied for a contract to run ferries.

    2. HaHa! I've just Googled TalkTalk..for
      a little read, as l've heard of them,
      but know nowt about, linking
      onto a few questions ask..turns out
      they are a legalised Mafia..even charging
      you, if you want to leave them..They seem
      full of promises to..
      How! Do l know there a legalised Mafia...
      Trust me..l know!

  4. Occasionally I find out between the lines that you have interesting cooking skills. To me this is a very exotic pie.

    1. This type of pie is the the sort of thing that the Crusaders brought back from the Holy Lands - your part of the world!

  5. I have never eaten pigeon, but I do put dried apricots and almonds into my chicken tagine, so I think that a chicken, almond, and apricot pie would work well for me.

    1. Is there any reason for your never having eaten pigeon?

    2. I am not keen on red meat.

  6. You can eat the breast of almost any bird, I believe. the rest can be a bit strong.

    1. One of the main benefits of eating game meat
      is that is it one of the most healthiest meats
      available, very low in fat and cholesterol,
      game meat is lean as they are wild and are able
      to walk and roam freely so do not store so much
      I grew up eating wild animals...!

    2. I have an ethical vegetarian friend who eats road-kill. One year we had swan for Christmas.

    3. That's it..go on..upset me! :)
      Have'nt had swan in years..

      Do you know..some years ago they culled
      150 swans at you know what
      they did with them..they took them away
      and buried them..True! All Hush! Hush! :(
      I have had Canadian geese from Poole Park
      lake and ducks and teal..No swans though..!

    4. I have had Canada goose. It is almost inedible unless hung for days.

    5. Yes! Best let them hang for couple days,
      these people who hang them for 3 weeks are
      The downside to geese and swan, is plucking
      the dam things..can take up to three hours,
      some people put them in boiling water..can't
      be bothered with ALL that...!

      Had a couple brace of pheasants brought round
      yesterday, do them on Tuesday! They shot 140
      up at Tory farm, tend to skin and joint peasant,
      as l prefer them in a casserole..!
