Monday, 5 October 2020

Don't underestimate him a second time

When Trump and his entourage briefly left the hospital to drive past his screaming supporters yesterday, I mentioned to H.I. that I believed his apparently speedy recovery from the infection would actually help his campaign more than if he went around the country trading insults with Joe Biden. If he comes out in record time and carries on as if nothing has happened he will look stronger than a bare-chested Putin riding a pure white stallion.

She cautiously said that she was highly suspicious about the whole thing. Trump turned a real doctor into a spin doctor when he sent him out with instructions to pretend he did not know the details of his treatment with regard to oxygen etc. when briefing the media. This is a military hospital, not a private one where money is everything. 

I feel a conspiracy theory coming on.


  1. Do you want my comment in English..?
    Italian? or Sicilian..? "I make you an

    According to BBC Breakfast this morning,
    they've discovered the Trumpies speach was
    edited..the coughing and sneezing were
    gotten rid of...! So someone at the BBC
    must have seen the join..! :).
    If you believe the stats..Biden is 10 points
    clear..10 points of'nt clear..! :o).

    1. I haven't seen the video but I suppose that the joins can be made seamless with modern software, assuming there were any.

  2. It's a toss up whether he will benefit from the sympathy vote or suffer from being found out as a reckless fool. Not many weeks to go before the outcome will be revealed. God help all Americans if he gets voted back in.

    1. And God help all of us if Biden gets voted in. There is no good choice here.

    2. God help us whatever happens.

  3. He's received an antibody treatment not available to any of his subjects. One would hope that he had some moments of quiet reflection on how fortunate he is - however I don't think that's likely given his grandstanding.

    1. I wonder if his security team were given the same treatment before they were locked in an airtight car with him.

    2. In your dreams Jean. I don’t think the man is capable of quiet reflection.

    3. I am getting a strong sense of deja vu at the moment.

  4. I feel much the same Tom. You can't believe anything you see or hear.

    1. It's a shocking state of affairs really. I find myself longing for the boring days of John Major.

    2. I often quote that Spitting Image sketch where John and Norma are sitting down to dinner and she says to him "are your peas alright dear?" - usually when we're at the kitchen table having peas....

    3. Edwina has resurfaced. Think eggs.

  5. We don't quite know what the state of his health is and that is infuriating as is everything that that man does.

    1. He hopes to keep everything a secret until after the election.

  6. Totally insane. I think one of his doctors said so too.

  7. I agree with HI. The whole thing stinks of deception.

  8. He was furious at his Chief of Staff for disclosing that his situation was far more serious than anyone knew at first. His oxygen was dangerously low twice and his fever shot up. Now there's a report coming out of the White House (which leaks like a sieve) that he's been hopped up on powerful steroids normally given to people with moderate to severe infections) that's known to make people grandiose with a false sense of well being. They're saying that Don Jr. and Ivanka have been discussing what to "do about" his current state of mind. Hence the joyride, and the insistence to leave the hospital tonight. We'll see, but I think the POTUS has been a good bit sicker than it's been reported.

    1. As if he needs medication to make him grandiose...

  9. All I can say in his favor (and I loathe the man), he looked sick getting onto that chopper Friday night, and I don't think he's an actor.

    1. We'll see what happens when the drugs wear off then.

  10. Well as the evil day draws nearer I feel he is milking this illness to the full. Where is the little boy in 'The Emperor has no Clothes' for goodness sake. Surely all these people that have been writing that he is insane could be heard and acted upon.

    1. His supporters are maniacal. I would be hesitant to criticise him in certain bars.

  11. The entire situation is a crap shoot. God help us all.

  12. No words, just no words....well okay a few. Now he tweets he is looking forward to the debate. If I were Biden I would only agree if my doctor did the test.

    1. He should be in quarantine. The fact that he isn't says it all. The man's an utter pillock.

    2. Every day another of his aides gets it.

  13. I suspected the same as H.I. He is a cunning fox, and I thought maybe the attention he gets now for being sick might distract from that disgraceful dispute.
    And then - he might have thought - he stands there as a hero: don't be afraid of covid, I, a man of 74, have fought and won - and it isn't as awful as media makes it!

    Though Joanne might be right: he looked a bit weighed down, ruffled.

    Anyway: it shows that he thinks of nobody else than himself: to go outside when we have to stay in quarantine - to infect others (and if TV is right there are many in his staff) - he doesn't care a bit.

  14. Last but by no means least....
    Let us not forget..
    Psychologists from all ideological camps
    early converged on a label of narcissistic
    personality disorder as the condition that
    “explains” Trump’s behavior...
    Among those making this assertion are more
    than 70,000 mental health professionals who
    signed a petition warning of Trump's potential
    Who listened...NO ONE..! :(
