Monday, 9 December 2019


I saved this plaster group from being thrown into the skip. The hand under the mother's legs is a cast from life and has nothing to do with it.

Some weeks later, this is how it ended up. I almost lost hope halfway through.


  1. That is wonderful!
    To think it could have been thrown into a skip beggars belief.
    You have done an amazing job.

  2. Your works are really amazing.

  3. Wow! Tom, that's incredible.

  4. Beautiful job. Those arms look tricky though.

    1. Two arms were completely missing. I had to use bad photos to make them up. Tricky indeed...

  5. Replies
    1. She (and the child) were originally carved in marble by the same man (Edward Baily Hodges) - who carved Nelson for Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square. He made three versions, but I have not found where this one is now in marble. One is in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. It is called, 'Maternal Affection'.

      I do historical research too.

  6. I am going to post quite a lot of the stuff up which I have had to keep hidden over the years.

    My problem is that all this work is highly specialised, but also highly diverse. My clients have to be private owners, because large organisations like the National Trust etc. have their own large teams to do this sort of thing.

    You see my problem?

  7. That babe lost a lot of his face. You did a wonderful restoration. I hope it is suitable placed in a private garden!
    Do you not want to work for the National Trust? I feel like you return objects d'art closer to the original than a committee or a team.Not that I've had toooooo much frustration in dealing with a committee.

  8. We claimed quite a few plaster casts, ears, fruit, flayed figure, Greek boy (minus fingers) and the like that were about to be tipped. Can't resist 'stuff' but it results in a rather crammed house! And the rest of the family are just as bad.
