Thursday, 12 December 2019

An ill wind...

First and foremost, I blame Cameron for the whole bloody thing.

Secondly, I blame Theresa May for not even consulting her own cabinet, let alone her Civil Servants and the rest of the populace.

Thirdly, I blame the Labour Party for allowing an extreme left-winger like Corbyn to even get a sniff of of power, let alone leadership.

Fourthly, I cannot be bothered to blame the Lib Dems for anything. They showed an amazing recovery in the polls, then put a completely inexperienced candidate like Swinson up when there were so many more qualified people sitting in the background, and her only policy was to reverse Article 50, or 15, or whatever it bloody was.

My only hope now is that Bath's glorious leader, Wera Hobhouse, has been voted back in, and her near neighbour, Jacob Rees-Mogg, has been voted out.

I have more than one reason for celebrating the result according to the exit polls though. My remaining clients are not only committed Leavers, they are pretty high up in the parties they belong to.

Happy days...


  1. It's over and you can set about rebuilding. No so trite as it sounds; life does go on.

    1. It won't be rebuilt in my lifetime, and I think that the USA will be providing us with most of the necessities previously sourced from Europe. I just hope that Trump gets impeached before the contracts are signed.

  2. Common sense and intelligence has prevailed. Marxism is on the way out, Swinson has gone, domestic policies will once again become top of the agenda; and I will personally probably lose my €5 bet.

    1. 'Domestic policies top of the agenda'? What kind of fantasy world do you live in? Oh, I just remembered. France.

    2. Cro, you might want to re-read the definition of true marxism. Corbyn is not a Marxist.

  3. There is relief of course that a decision has been made but of course there will probably be two years of turmoil as negotiations take place for leaving.

    1. The only positive thing to have happened so far is the pound gaining a little strength on the market. America would like to invest heavily in our bright, new future, and they will. Get ready for more increases in prices coupled with a fall in standards.

    2. Case in point: Hundreds of British haemophiliacs were infected with HIV/AIDS when they were given blood products bought from American junkies and sold to Britain by U.S. pharmaceutical companies. I knew one personally who killed himself in panic when a young man.

  4. I'm so sorry about this result, Tom. Bad days are ahead for both of our countries, I'm afraid.

    1. It would have been bad whatever the outcome, but this government have remained in by lying.

  5. It's the eighties all over again. Poor poor Blighty.

    1. Without the digital stuff it would be. We still might revert back to Victorian Work Houses if things carry on like this though.

  6. I was shocked at the result and personally have no respect for either of the two leading contenders, but strangely I actually feel much more at peace. We now know what is ahead of us all and do not have to suffer from anymore shilly-shallying and indecision on the part of Westminster as we have done the last 3 years.

    1. The country is still divided. The rich will take care of each other.

  7. Time will tell, although whether I'll be here to hear it who knows - depends how long it takes.

  8. I'm reminded of the last line in the movie
    " The Bridge over the river Kwai"

    " madness..........madness...."

    1. Or Donald Pleasance in The Great Escape: "Take me with you. I can see perfectly well..."

  9. People voted for change in 2016 because they thought leaving the EU would solve all their problems. Problems arising from ten years of Tory government, not from membership of the EU.
    Their belief in the need to leave the EU (and belief in Boris' promises) caused them to vote for more of the same.
    The current Labour party is unelectable and they have equal responsibility for the mess we are in.

    1. People who thought they were being ignored also voted in Trump - another one who would say anything to get/remain in power.
