Saturday, 9 November 2019

I think my husband suspects something

The trig-point on the highest part of Solsbury Hill - the one Peter Gabriel climbed up and later spoilt a perfectly good song by claiming he saw an eagle flying over Bath. Nobody likes liars.

I took that photo from the middle of town using max zoom on my crappy camera. Well it wasn't that crappy when I bought it, but later ones are now so good that they are often used to make professional videos. Someone recently made a full length feature film using only an iPhone.

I once (more than once, actually) had a simple affair with a married woman. She lived in a house in a park on one of the steeper sides of town.

I was in her bedroom one afternoon and noticed a pair of binoculars lying near the window, so I picked them up and looked down to a pub which was about a quarter of a mile away. I can never resist looking through binoculars and I took the opportunity to see who was in the place. I knew most of them.

As I scanned the pavement outside, I saw her husband looking back up at me with another pair of binoculars. I cannot describe how shocking that sight was.

The next time I saw him the atmosphere was a touch frosty to say the least.


  1. Sounds like a scene from a film. (Not The Good Liar though).

  2. A group of nerdy UK birdwatchers claimed to have seen a Golden Eagle here once. Bloody liars.

  3. Reality transcends any imagination.

  4. Was nothing ever mentioned by him?

    1. We never spoke at all. He used to sit in the pub staring at me. My predecessor used to get regular black eyes.

  5. Oh my goodness, you are hysterical!! It almost sounds like a setup. A nice little trap for the curious philanderer.

  6. Oh, Tom. You rake, you! I'm sure you had many run ins with jealous husbands in your day. :)
