Monday, 13 May 2019

I know too much

I am worrying about this bit of text now. If I claim that I have over 40 years experience in my particular field, then anyone with the most basic grasp of mathematics is going to know that an old git of over 60 is about to turn up on their doorstep.

Perhaps I should claim 30 years and sacrifice a bit of experience?

Hmm. Tricky.


  1. I have a friend who often refers to me as a 'knowledgable cunt' when I tell him things he did not previously know.

    1. I hope 'knowledgable cunt' is written on your calling card. :D

  2. Surely, this is where you explain the origin of the word 'sincere'.

  3. The likely clientele is going to be old. They wont care. Any budding young entrepreneurs in Wiltshire will think it is cool to engage an old craftsman.

    1. Anyone under fifty probably can't add up and it wouldn't put me off. Go with the 40. It sounds impressive and if it doesn't work you can always change it.

    2. I've already changed it to 30, having given it much consideration - probably too much. In my business, adding up is not quite as important as other things. Having said that, I am always making mistakes with measurements, especially when converting millimetres to inches. Anyone over the age of 50 struggles with that.

  4. Hope you don't mind, but how about "With expertise built on decades of experience, I can offer personalised, quality restoration of your items, whether large or small, at reasonable rates."
    (although it's not at all clear what it is that you actually repair!)

    1. I NEVER use the word decades. The rest of it has been carefully worked out.

    2. I should say that this is not all the text. There is more!

    3. Have you read my other comment to Rachel??? !

  5. There is nothing wrong with rounding corners when it comes to marketing yourself.

  6. 'Decades of experience' sounds unprofessional, flippant and a possible lie.

    1. I agree. That nasty mad cow is on good form this morning.

    2. By which I mean Ursula, of course. The cow comment was an aside, because both I and Rachel suffer more than most from that mentally deranged fleabag who calls herself 'Ursula'.

  7. "Nasty mad cow" Moi???? It was only a suggestion. I don't think I've ever left a comment on here before, so how can you say I'm on good form? Don't concern yourself though (not that you will) - this will be my last.

  8. How about quantifying your experience in terms of number of projects ("I have restored over a thousand heirlooms and artifacts"), or go for man-hours -- "over x,000 man hours in restoration and conservation."

    I used to write PR.

  9. Replies
    1. Right as usual Weave. That's what I tell myself.

  10. With age comes experience and expertise which is surely a good thing. The jobs will come flying in.Our niece has just finished a commission of a full sized bronze statue of female footballer Lily Parr who played from 1919 to 1951 to be unveiled just before the women’s World Cup at the beginning of June. It was going outside Wembley Stadium but it’s now going to be on show at the National Football museum in Manchester...... all funded by Mars ! XXXX

  11. Thirty years' experience also sounds like you've a lot of it, so, maybe, that could be the route taken?

    1. I think it is a bit late now. the copy is just about to go to the magazine. Oh well, maybe I will simplify it to 'knowledgeable cunt'.

  12. Well, late to the party, as ever. I was going to say "Tom's mind is already set, and barring some entry from as yet unknown reader, it's a go as he has it." I really was.

  13. Replies
    1. Yes but it's lost some of its power over the last 40 years.

  14. Over 40 yrs experience could mean the same 12 months repeated 40 times - and still gets it wrong. In your field I think the ageing craftsman is a good line to play. I'm sure that it should generate work from those who need it done!
