Saturday, 12 January 2019

The spectre of right-wing unrest

If ever I get unexpectedly caught leaving the house by the recycling team taking away all our wine bottles on Thursday mornings, I intend to say, "We do a lot of entertaining" by way of explaining the over-full bags. I will emphasise the word 'we' as well, but I doubt if I will be believed.

This week we have actually entertained twice, so this weekend I am planning to spend hours indoors alone (except for Her Indoors) with the only intruders being the BBC. Now that Christmas is over and Gatwick is open for business, Trump and Brexit are back on the menu again, morning noon and night. Oh shit - I am thinking about Trump and Brexit again.

This wall that he is demanding $5 billion to have built (we never believed him when he said Mexico would pay) will be situated deep within U.S. territory. This means that all any potential asylum-seekers will have to do is camp on U.S. land and apply for asylum through the wire. The criminals will always find an alternative way in. They always do. If he puts the federal government on hold for much longer, there will be several hundred thousand more economic migrants and their families heading for Europe. I don't think Canada would take them.

This year, the Christmas lights outside were switched on in November, but were turned off on Christmas Eve and remained out for the whole of the Christmas period. The street was dark for the whole twelve days.

Oh, Brexit. When are we supposed to leave again? March? Does that mean we have to go through all those post-Christmas, dreary, winter months with only that to look forward to?


  1. Just crack another bottle open and listen to music. Ignorance is bliss while you can get away with it.

    1. I am hoping that snow will bring the country to a standstill until March.

  2. Everyday in America is another Trump headline. Today’s was a doozy saying 45 was investigated for working with Putin.

    Alcohol consumption is on the rise everywhere.

    1. Yes, I heard today that the investigators are seriously considering the possibility that Putin is a puppet master for this administration - or just Trump. If this was the plot of a Hollywood film, it would be laughed at as unrealistic in the extreme.

      Alcohol consumption would be on the rise here if we could afford it. Most of the young people here hardly drink at all.

  3. The stinking Senate needs to pull up the big boy pants and deal with their deranged leader. The House has passed a slew of bills to put gvt back on track; they're in the pipe and spilling out on Mitch's desk. And I don't mean Romney.

  4. One of my favorite NYTimes columnists offered this choice today:

    Meanwhile, your best options near-term are either to get together with friends and drink heavily, or crawl under your bed and assume a fetal position.

    I'm definitely going with the former. Cheers, all.

  5. What happenned with the woolen djellaba? Was it a good buy?

    1. I sent it back. My excuse was that it was not made from natural fibre - i.e. wool as description. It was a blend.

  6. No need to focus yourself so far ahead as March for something to look forward to, the 15th January is much closer and likely to be far more fun.

    1. That outcome we already know. It's the aftermath which will be more 'entertaining'.

    2. We do? Three days later then.

    3. More businesses stop investing in GB due to uncertainty. You don't need a crystal ball for that one. I think you are right about Europe not giving in until the eleventh hour, but so much damage will have been done by then that there will be no going back for years.

  7. Open another bottle of wine Tom and drink the lot - that'll help.

  8. Ahhhh.. the wall... A structural engineer (Amy Patrick aka wall expert) has declared the wall to be ineffective, flawed in design, and estimated cost nearer to 50 billion... not 5. So...cheers... it's 5 o'clock somewhere... and I wish I were in Margaritaville!

  9. Can't someone think of something to distract him for a day or so till he's forgotten all about it?

  10. Perhaps Trump could employ all those Mexicans as bricklayers (at half price).

  11. The Salisbury Christmas lights are being left on for a while to cheer the city up. A discount on my council tax would cheer me up.
