Thursday 20 December 2018

Blaming the Turks

A strange-looking young bloke has just walked past at speed, his head wobbling with the effort and his right arm up with his thumb out, as if he was trying to hitch a lift. Why do junkies who have nowhere to go walk so fast?

I know this person from about two years ago. He had fried his brain with all sorts of awful drugs, but - in his own terms - he seems to be somewhat better placed in society since his last trip to the drugs council.

When I first encountered him, I had just put out our rubbish for collection when he staggered past, swearing at inanimate objects and fellow pavement users. As he walked by, he booted my black plastic bin liner full of a week's worth of domestic detritus into the path of the oncoming traffic with one almighty swing of his leg, without stopping. I halted the cars with an upraised hand and retrieved the bag, putting it back where I originally left it.

He must have done the same thing a week before, because I arose to complaints from the neighbours that a fox or seagull had ripped the rubbish bag open and strewn it down the street. I thought that it must have been a hell of a gull to have got the bag so far down before splitting it open, but agreed with my neighbours to buy stronger sacks in the future. It is quite shaming to see all your dirty Kleenex and coffee grounds lying in heaps in a neighbour's doorway. I always remember an event I witnessed first-hand some years ago when I had a workshop in town.

I noticed my friend - another marble carver - walking very strangely across the yard in the direction of the toilets, and asked him what was wrong.

"I've just done a Turkish fart", he explained.

"What's a Turkish fart?" I suppose I could have guessed, but I wanted confirmation.

"It's when you think you are going to fart, but then you shit yourself". I wondered why he had to blame the Turks. Are they renowned for this sort of thing over and above all other nations?

After he had cleaned himself up he came back, furtively clutching his soiled underpants.

"I'm not taking these home", he said, then he faced the nearby river and flung them with all his might at the water.

He was too high and they became entangled in the branches of a tree and swung there in full view,  just out of reach.

My friend began collecting small twigs and sticks, throwing them at the pants in the tree in a vain attempt to knock them down.

This went on for so long that he attracted quite an audience, and - one by one - they all asked him what he was doing.

"I just shat myself and tried to throw the pants in the river, but they got stuck in the tree," was all he could think to explain himself.

Everyone stayed for the half hour it took to get them down, and cheered loudly at the final successful shot before drifting away back to work. That was a great afternoon.


  1. And throwing them into the river was a better option?

  2. Oh dear ...... when things go wrong, they REALLY go wrong don’t they ? 💩
    ..... Not sure that I understand the Turkish connection either but maybe you have to be Turkish !!!! XXXX

  3. Great story. Perfect for Christmas.

    1. An elderly friend of mine was always keen on saying "Never trust a fart, or waste an erection".

  4. That warm feeling that suddenly changes to 'oh dear' in a split second

  5. Are you sure it doesn't refer to the consumption of a large dinner of turkey? You know, the bird, and all the extras. My brother-in-law, a story teller of renown, has a similar tale that keeps listeners in stitches.

  6. When it come to finding entertainment all I can say is that it takes all sorts.

  7. He was going to throw the pants in the river?? my first thought would be burn them........never heard the Turkish reference though, we used to say a 'follow through' - where you gamble on whether it will be a fart or I've been told.

  8. Good thing he was wearing underwear.

  9. I like that he had a sort of squad of cheerleaders at the ready for when the pants eventually came down.

  10. It's taken me until today to catch up with you, Tom. OH My God this is the funniest thing I've read might be years. I laughed out loud, and for a long time, and it just kept getting funnier and funnier. Your last line slays: "that was a great afternoon."

    Your writing makes me so happy. Your humor is unique. I love your"voice", and the way you seem to bumble into the very oddest experiences. This story might be the best thing I've read all year. Your'e delightful.
