Monday 19 November 2018


A few days ago I was round a friend's house borrowing a tool as his wife was visiting their son in Bristol.

She had no reply when knocking on his door but eventually managed to get in.

She found him apparently asleep on the sofa, but she could not arouse him.

When she felt his pulse there was none. He was stiff and cold. He was obviously dead, so she dialled 999 and waited for the paramedics.

She told me tonight that all she wanted to do was get him warm, as any mother would.


  1. Oh Tom ..... I cannot imagine .... that poor Mother. It certainly puts everything in perspective. XXXX

  2. I have seen this many times when family and friends view their deceased loved ones . I have put a blanket on one woman at the request of a husband

  3. I hope she and her family are able to support each other through this. Very sad.

  4. A mother’s love is forever. That scene will never leave her. She will need good friends.

  5. Terrible story Tom - certainly puts an awful lot in perspective as you rightly say.

  6. That's very sad for the family and especially the Mother. It makes some problems in life seem so small.

  7. That is very sad, but I understand completely. -Jenn

  8. Her last moments with her son will live with her forever. I can’t imagine how one ever gets over a tragedy like that.

  9. What a dreadful experience. I tried to put myself in her situation, and become very 'emotional'.

  10. Our son’s death (only child) was expected and shouldn’t have been the same shock that poor, dear lady experienced; but it still was. After 4 months in hospital he came home to die but deteriorated rapidly. We somehow knew what day it would be and spent the whole morning talking to him even though he was unconscious. Two years ago but so traumatised; so grief stricken - like that young man’s mother nothing, not even time, makes the loss lessen.
