Sunday 25 November 2018

Don't mention the poor

I live in a tower in the middle of nowhere with only my cat for company.

For years I have existed in peaceful isolation, but then the outside world began to intrude - in their millions. I suppose it was my fault. I should never have bought a computer and invited them in. They all have opinions, you see, and there are only so many people whose opinions I trust, let alone agree with.

I cancelled my subscription to The Times many years ago because I became tired of news and other people's interpretation of what they deemed to be newsworthy. Back then, the fastest way for someone not in the same room to give you their opinion on something was via telegram, but now news and people's opinions about it arrives inside my tower a matter of minutes after the event. It's too much.

Added to this is the shameful way that certain members of the media brigade deliberately manipulate statistics to suit their own dubious purposes. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows full well that the once scrupulously impartial British Broadcasting Company is now run by a bunch of left-wing loonies, and yet you still regularly get left-wing loonies trying to convince you that the BBC (British Broadcasting Company for anyone who was not paying attention) is biased strongly in favour of the Conservative Party. Well I know what I believe - it's staring us right in the face, or it would be if you watched TV.

It is all too late to change now anyway, so I suppose I will just have to either tolerate it or pull up the drawbridge and throw the Dell out of the window.

Suddenly I have become very tired. Forcefully expressing one's opinion takes it out of you at my age.


  1. You got that exactly right, Tom. Probably shouldn't mention a certain new member of the royal family either. Skin color and heritage are not quite right, I hear.

    1. Now now. I have nothing against Americans unless they are a golden yellow in colour.

  2. Well, that's not the prez, with his hair stuck under his nose instead of on his head. But all the sputtering about left wing loonies and bias---wait, what are you talking about?

  3. For years I have dreamed of a house with a moat and a drawbridge. And a doorbell, which doesn't work.

    1. For years I believed that a luxury car was defined by intermittent windscreen wipers. Now I have one. I must have made it on my own terms.

  4. As your blogland doctor I know exactly what you are suffering from Tom - you have a severe case of Brexititis. Don't go anywhere near a newspaper of any persuasion for the next two years (you may use them for lighting the fire if necessary), switch off all forms of media you happen to have in the house, cancel all subscriptions to publications you may take, suspend all friendships indifinitely, stay away from the pub and draw all the blinds.

    1. Stay away from the pub? Are you serious Weave?

  5. No news allowed in my ever-shrinking world, which is paradoxically broadening with the blogosphere. Happily, any unsolicited news of a soul-wearying nature can be ignored outright by just closing the screen on it. Luckily blogs are mute can't chase you around in your tower like the noise from radio and telly, so no need to throw your Dell out the window. It's a great repository of soothing pictures of kittens.

    1. I get up in the middle of the night to catch the new batch of kitten pictures. That's how sad I am.

  6. Weaver is absolutely right, except for the pub. I am trying to do the same, but as long as the present administration is around, I will need my wine.

    1. I love pictures and videos of kittens. They are good for my blood pressure.

    2. Kittens and wine. The recipe for good health.

  7. Replies
    1. And the other things that saturate the internet...
