Saturday 27 October 2018

As cemeteries go, you can't get finer

I ran into a friend and her daughter (both friends) in the street yesterday, and the daughter said that she enjoyed reading this blog.

I slightly panicked and attempted to cast my mind back over the last year or two's worth of posts, trying to remember if I had drunkenly written anything of a particularly obscene or offensive nature, but my mind went completely blank in the few seconds they stood smiling, waiting for me to respond.

I have to admit that sometimes I wake up at about 3.00 a.m. in a cold sweat, remembering only fragments of something written in anger (or worse) a few hours before passing out, imagining an imminent police raid to arrest me for any manner of socially unacceptable threats, promises, lewd remarks or inappropriate selfies.

Sometimes I get up very early, intending to delete a post before anyone has seen it, but many of you get up that early every day in any case, and the time-zone differences mean that those in the rest of the world who can be bothered to read this have already done so and, of those, the ones who leave comments have already done so too. Surprisingly to me, most of these rogue posts are usually  met with approval or even agreement, so I leave them standing like a brave boy. The night is always darkest just before dawn.

"I read your blog to find out what is going on in Bath" said the Bathonian mother. She sounds as if she may be my first customer of the forthcoming 'Hidden Bath' walking tours. I can just see it now - standing in Waitrose surrounded by groceries, pointing at the terrazzo floor and saying, On this spot in 1736, a duel was fought between the landlord of the Dolphin Inn and Lord Dingleberry. I made up Dingleberry, but there was a Dolphin Inn nearby.

This is the friend who discovered the marble carving of Hermes and Dionysius lying around in her garden of her house up the hill. Well, actually I discovered it. She bought it with the house.

She recently mentioned it to a local historian who we both know (ex Roman Bath conservation officer/architect, etc.) and he said that there were many Roman cemeteries and graves from outside the North Gate where I live, to right up the hill where she lives.

Maybe my tours will include her cosy house with its stunning Southerly views over Bath and the other six hills which surround it (Wood the Elder declared that, like Rome, Bath was 'built on seven hills' in a transparent attempt to attract tourists and generally big-up the little town which calls itself a city.)

I can see it now. A group of bored tourists standing around on her garden terrace, and me pointing at a flower bed saying: On this spot in 300 AD there was a fine Roman cemetery...


  1. The more I read about Bath (mostly on your blog I have to say) the more I wish I had spent more tim there when I was agile enough to get around.

  2. As a participant in walking tours around the world, making me a quasi “expert” lol, I think your brand of tour sounds very enticing....I’d sign on!

    1. I think it may sound more enticing than it would be, Laurel. Actually, it doesn't even sound enticing.

  3. I should think a 'Who killed who, where, and with what' Tour of Bath would be very popular. You could even invent the whole lot.

    1. Could we title the tour 'Blood Bath'? (I'll get my coat.)

    2. That's not a bad idea. For instance, just outside our Guildhall was the place they erected scaffolds for executions. The culprit would be tried in the Guildhall and all they had to do was pop outside for the hanging.

    3. Sounds like the Chinese, with their execution vans.

  4. I hope that you do those walking tours of Bath. I think you would do very well and the tourists would have a lot of fun with you. Get started on the planning as it will lift your spirit. Starting Over is a good thing.

  5. Ok, I am in for the tour. Are there refreshments?

  6. Drunk dialling can also induce the night anxiety sweats ....

    1. I once sent an unbelievably obscene message to someone (as a joke) and as soon as I pressed send I realised it was to the wrong person. I thought I had sent it to my best client, but the recipient turned out to be another friend who was somewhat perplexed as to the meaning. I immediately deleted my clients number from my phone.

  7. "You know, every now and then I think you wanna hear
    somethin from us, nice and easy
    Its just one thing you see
    We never, ever do nothin nice and easy
    We always do it nice and rough"

    Your blog makes me happy and laugh out loud!

  8. Ike and Tina Turner, "Proud Mary". I'm surprised you didn't recognize Briggitta's quote.

    1. Why would I recognise that? I'm not a huge fan of Tina, let alone Ike.

    2. I'm certainly no fan, but it was hard to avoid in its day. xo

  9. It would beat the usual tours for sure. I'm one of those people who visits a castle ruin and gets excited about the water closets, not the castle. And all history is made up anyway so why not!

    1. That is what excites me about ruins as well. A friend of mine visited a country house recently, and was intrigued about the row of toilet seats so the whole family could use them at the same time, and they only dated from about 1920.

    2. I remember double seater earth toilets from my childhood (but not with any nostalgia!) At the castle in Ischia on our recent holiday we saw what appeared to be a whole row of toilet seats. Turned out to be draining seats where the dead were placed to slowly decompose, with vases slotted beneath the seating to catch the humours. Yikes.

    3. Yikes indeed. I have cut up marble mortuary slabs with drain holes and channels in them for the same purpose. They are now adorning people's houses as elegant fire surrounds.

    4. P.S. You are not really interested in comments are you Cher?

    5. Do you mean on my blog? I use it as a photo album and didn't expect comments so they came as a bit of a surprise. Yours make me laugh out loud!

    6. I went back to the one about the Ischia gardens, and found all the comments had disappeared. Maybe it was a glitch. Yes, I like all the photos of the places you visit.
