Friday, 17 August 2018


This Sunday is Step-Daughter's 50th birthday. 50 - bloody hell!

Nearest and dearest are going to a very expensive, out-of-town restaurant for lunch. When this was being planned, I suggested we go for dinner, then spend the night in the hotel rooms of the country house which are above the restaurant. I was brought back to reality by being told that this would cost £700 - per head. I don't think that includes the evening meal.

I first met S.D. when she was 4 years old, in the very same compact but adorable city apartment from which I am broadcasting this. She was brought up here.

Over the years she has gone from describing me as her 'older brother' (she is an only child) to my current status as an honorary step-father. She is Green-Eyes and The Boy's mother and H.I.'s daughter. Three generations of fashion-victims, but not so much with G.E. or T.B. It is slowly being watered-down by evolution and the pressures of modern life.

She is one of life's true eccentrics and is loved by all who know her. She is just so entertaining, and disconcertingly direct - to everyone. I don't think this trait has ever caused any offence. I wish I could say the same for myself.


  1. Oh God ..... it’s a bit scary when we have children ( or honorary step-daughters ) that are reaching these ages isn’t it ? Brings our own mortality right into perspective ! Still, it means a time for celebration and you can eat and drink and have a fabulous time. I want a complete breakdown of everyone’s meals on Monday please !!! XXXX

  2. My biological daughter is now 48. Three score years and ten...

  3. I think my oldest reaches his 50th in March 2021; I shall run and hide. When he was one, I was about 25 times his age. When he gets to 50, I shall be less than twice!

  4. You have known Green Eyes for much longer than I thought.

  5. I have two years til I reach the big 5-0. I can wait...

  6. My son is now sixty! What is more he is a grandpa to a gorgeous daughter called Ula - who runs around all day calling him Grandad - that really makes him feel old.

    1. He is old, but not compared to you. It's all relatives.

  7. I'm having a joint 40th with our son in September. I've been 39 for a while now and thought it time to admit to being a year older.

  8. Both my daughters have passed fifty. Where goes the time?
