Wednesday, 21 February 2018

A spot of rag-losing

I really lost my rag with the technician last night. All he was supposed to do was put the thing up on You Tube - something I could have done myself - but he considered that the dark screen at the beginning lasted too long (despite that the music begins quite soon) and clipped so much off it that he also clipped the opening of the music off it at the same time.

Having spent quite a bit of my own money getting it edited by a professional, you can imagine what I thought about the techie's ham-fisted attempts at improving it. I told him what I thought via SMS and insisted that he restore it to the original immediately. He tried to justify his uncalled-for edit and I told him again that it was a fuck-up which ruined the beginning of the thing. He told me to fuck off and I told him that rather than swearing at me, he should fuck off and restore the original.

So he went back to YouTube, took his version down, then put the original back up - with a different address.

Ok, I know it is just an average little music video which will be forgotten by next week, but I really didn't want this half-hearted launch to go off half-cock. The whole thing is embarrassing enough as it is.


  1. Having pride in something raises the stakes a little...

  2. Give a man an inch and he takes a fucking mile.

  3. It’s not ‘just an average little music video’ and you’re not a shrinking violet.


  4. I found it, and found it near hypnotic. Well done.

  5. I loved it Tom. I suspect like me you are a perfectionist and that anything less than perfect is extremely frustrating.
    As a matter of fact I enjoyed it tremendously (I am a musician myself and in my earlier days did a lot of performing) and the smile and expression of the woman at the end just finished if off perfectly in my opinion.

    1. AND it features ukuleles! That little smile was written-in to my requirements. Endearing, isn't it?

    2. I loved that smile too. It finished it off perfectly. Oh, I just noticed they were Weave's words too. But it did, just a perfect ending.

    3. Yes. The lady of the ukulele was happy to make you and Pat happy.

    4. The shrugging smile was a contractual obligation. I ordered her to do it.

  6. Good for you for dealing with the techi. Some people just don't understand. I could blather on about it at length because it used to drive me mad when I was working; printers mucking up the colour, designers overlaying hideous type, all manner of insensitive treatment, and I was usually not in a position to do anything about it.
    I think the video looks and sounds delightful. The Bell looks so friendly and the city of Bath such a beautiful place.

    1. Thank you Cher. You live close to Bath - tell me when you and your dearest are next in and we could meet up.

  7. I wondered where me comment had gone!!!!!

  8. -not quite the same, but I am reminded of the time years back when I wrote a piece for my university newspaper about European football/cultural differences between the US & Europe. The paper's editor changed every appearance of the word 'football' in my piece to 'soccer' without my permission, then off it went to print. I fucking lost my shit.

    1. It is a stupid insult to make those sort of editorial decisions without even talking to you about it. What made it 10 times worse for me is that I had already paid a professional to edit it for me and the techie is just that - a techie.
