Tuesday, 16 January 2018


Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin. SETTLE DOWN YOU THERE AT THE BACK!

I am hoping to have at least one egg taken out of a huge basket by becoming involved in the construction of the last Duke of Beaufort's tomb. You remember I built the Old Master's one all those years ago? No? THEN PAY ATTENTION!

The ex-boyfriend of the ex-husband of the original sculptor who carved the one about 30 years ago had a vague recollection that I had been involved, and because I have had the same mobile number for about 30 years, she gave me a call. Boring consistency as opposed to over-reliance on iCloud and change sometimes pays off. Especially at my age.

Of course it could all come to nothing, but it is carrots like these which get me out of bed in the morning. Not very early, I grant you, but before midday. To be absolutely honest, it is the desire for coffee and toast which gets me out of bed these days.

Now, where is Rachel, I hear you all wonder? The same place she always is when not on a Grand Tour. Relax.

I'll say one thing for these online spats between perfidious trolls who switch sides according to the wind direction and bona fide sworn enemies - they make for entertaining posts, so long as you ignore the advice given by people who have less idea about what is being discussed then they do about their own farts.



  1. OMG, you are bored as hell. I hope two eggs are removed; don't sell yourself cheep.
    I always start your posts by looking back to the last to see what non-inflammatory response you have to my generally mildly snarky comment. I see I had nothing to say yesterday, but do have the treat of reading from Rachel. I hope she gets over us and posts again. I hope she's in suspense, not deleted forever.

  2. The ink was barely dry last night.
    Is the tomb a folly?
    I went life drawing in London today.
    I posted too but it seems a bit too early to come back. It was about Carillion and the shame of the Tory Party.

    1. Why is it that pension funds and not ring fenced? It should be illegal to use other peoples pension contributions to bolster up at business.

    2. Bloody voice recognition. You know what I mean though...

    3. BTW, the last tomb was a cake. A highly iced cake.

    4. The whole sorry saga disgusts me. A blind eye was turned as more public contracts were awarded to them and money from a new one was used to pay for the one before and so on. Jobs were incorrectly priced in order to win contracts, all basic stuff, and pension fund was in deficit, the shareholders were still getting a dividend and the directors were too busy playing to listen to the accountants, assuming the accountants were saying something that is, I suppose.

    5. I don't know about this particular pension scheme but deficits are not necessarily because the money has been dipped into for something else. It is usually because the growth of the scheme cannot keep up with the demands placed upon it, i.e. paying out the pensioners. And takeovers normally do not want to take on pension deficits. The rest is history..

    6. We thought that after Robert Maxwell most pension schemes would be safe, but no. Now you may think me - yet again - an old fashioned socialist, but I really don't think that private financiers have proved themselves worthy of taking on public social expenditure programs, especially if they do not have the credit or even wherewithal to run a fucking prison, let alone build a hospital.

      So what will happen? The shareholders will lose out and the COEs will continue to receive 7 figure payouts years beyond their being asked to 'step down'. It stinks. The only time it doesn't stink is when it all seems - for the time being - to work, and it is not working now.

    7. The CEO's will also probably receive knighthoods.

  3. Replies
    1. That ought to read, 'The dogs are still chewing on my balls...' One can dream and hope - that Chris puts up a video in that event.

  4. I do hope you come involved in the construction; your cup of tea.
    I'm happy to tears to see Rachel again.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. When I went to look at the old Duke's tomb last Summer, I was scared off by the notice saying that guard dogs were loose. They were/are worried about hunt saboteurs doing damage or worse.

    2. Thank you Maria. If you click on my name you will find me again.

  5. Coffee and toast for breakfast just before mid day? You obviously haven't got a dog fixing you with a stare which says - I am in need of going out now even if there is six inches of snow.
