Sunday, 31 December 2017


Three days into 2018 will mean a few things of - if not life-changing - somewhat game-changing significance.

First, I hand back the courtesy car. Then I collect the latest Volvo estate bought in Stroud yesterday. Then I drag the iMac down to a little man in town who will completely wipe the hard-drive (having thoroughly checked my back-up), then re-install the operating system before transferring the contents of the Seagate hard-drive into it. What could possibly go wrong, apart from the car and computer?

I asked the Volvo seller if he would accept £100 less than the asking price, and he bit my hand off. He actually said, "If that is ok with you?" I now feel like an idiot for not knocking £500 off as a starter.

The computer mechanic operates from a shabby little shop which is littered with bits of old computers and badly needs a professional clean. It is the antithesis of any Apple store, anywhere in the world. They all look as though a doctor would be more than happy to conduct open-heart surgery in them rather than his usual theatre.

When I first began buying old Volvos, I went into Bath's official Volvo dealer workshops, and they also look as if they could be used as operating theatres without much modification. The mechanics not only wear white doctor's top-coats, but they are completely spotless. There was no trace of any oil stains on any of them.

I suppose that most modern car-mechanics spend most of their time on all the computer-controlled systems these days, so rarely have to get dirty. My previous old Volvo had two computers fitted as standard, and the latest old one (2002) has three. These days, most decent cars are fitted with Blue-Tooth and connect to the internet. This means that they can be - and sometimes are - hi-jacked by someone on the other side of the world, who can accellerate, brake, and open the windows from their laptops - just for fun.

I like scruffy, dirty and untidy workshops. They signify that the owner will be less likely to inflate the fee to pay for the annual redecoration and cleaning costs. I said to the computer man that I had a sneaking suspicion that Apple wanted me to buy a brand-new iMac. He said that they are very shiney these days, and glitter temptingly at you when you go into the well-lit, air conditioned, monochrome (white) shops to drool over them - much like car showrooms.

I like that he has the same, Scrooge-like attitude to computers as me. He hates iCloud, hates pay as you view movies, hates the lack of DVD slots in modern Macs and hates Apple in general for the grasping bastards with the will to control the world that they are.

Just think, for the same price as I paid for the old Volvo, I could have bought a brand new, shiney iMac.


  1. I am driving a new computer on wheels and have yet figured it all out. It does make me smile when the steering wheel yanks me back in the lane when I have veered too far. Other than that, I do hate technology.

    1. It does that? If you wanted to avoid an accident by straddling two lanes, would it let you?

    2. I don't know as I don't want to read the booklet. It does avoid front end crashes and told me once to keep my hands on the wheel. Maybe in the new year when it warms up, I'll get out there and go over it all. Our winter is the coldest in years and I hate the cold. But, happy new year to you Tom. Your car is beautiful.

  2. Our car can park itself, apparently. I dare not try it out........

  3. My friend has a car that can park itself. I always get out before she allows it to perform the operation.

    1. I have a friend whose husband bought her a brand new Mini which parked itself.The first time she tried to use it, she pulled up next to a space and followed the instructions by just putting her foot on the accelerator. It shot back, and did about £5000 worth of damage. She forgot to switch it on.

  4. Good luck with the car and the computer. I have a Mac book pro and did have a look at the new ones and yes they are expensive. I resisted.
    Happy New year!

    1. I tested the air-bag on the last one to make sure it worked.

  5. Happy New Year. I read the post and very interesting. Glad you found a Volvo and will have wheels again. Hope the computer gets fixed too then it will be all hunky dory, and, oh, hope you got paid R xxx

    1. Yes, I got paid, which is how I bought the replacement car... In one end, out the other. HNY to you too. X

  6. My computer guru works in the same shop as yours. One of the youngsters he hires for dummy jobs is in charge of sweeping the benches clear on occasion.
    That said, see you down the road. Have the best twenty one eight ever.

    1. You too Joanne. May it bring everything you hope for and nothing you fear.

  7. I want your computer guy in my life. Mine is amazing and lovely and comes to us, all for a paltry retainer plus dinner. But I miss the untidy workshops of electrical tinkerers who fixed things like toasters and TVs and anything really. We have a shop a little like this in town and I am taking my blender to it in the hope they can find the right part. After going through official channels and nearly going nuts, I walked int here, told them I needed a rubber seal for my blender base and was handed one immediately. (My blender is a constant source of angst apparently!) Then he gave me a long and impassioned explanation of the type of light bulb I should look for for our fridge. I'm convinced it doesn't exist however after several failed attempts. I now have several grades of small lightbulb and a dark fridge. Hey Ho!

    1. Blenders? Fridges? Toasters? TVs? Rubber seals? Far too technichal for me.

  8. My knowledge of computers is close to NIL; I rely on others. As long as I can use Email, write my blog, look-up fake news on Wiki, listen to free music on Spotify, and amuse myself occasionally through YouTube, then I am happy. I don't ask for much.

    1. You're pretty good with flat-packed wheelbarrows, though.
