Monday 9 October 2017


The railway company that runs all the trains from London to the West of England has recently reverted back to its original name of GWR - Great Western Railway. The engineer who originally created it was the outlandishly and lavishly named, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and shortly after it began it was nick-named, 'God's Wonderful Railway'.

GWR have recently invested in a few huge, sleek engines painted in the original green and cream livery of the 1930s and you can tell that these trains were manufactured by Hitachi, because they have the word HITACHI in huge letters across the front.

GWR have began an advertising campaign which hinges on the seaside adventures of Enid Blyton's 'Famous Five' and they have made a short and disappointing video in the style of the original illustrations. Basically, the dog falls out of the train because it is stupid, then cadges lifts with every other form of transport - including a hot-air balloon - right down to the coast. It makes its way via a series of fortuitous accidents stemming from the original stupid one.The train with the kids on keep up with it all the way. Hah!

My favourite line from the above: "Don't let him do that, it's unhygienic."

Above is the direct link in case my layout clips one side and you cannot get rid of the adverts.


  1. Dorset never looked so good, and as for that foreign looking chap....

    1. More foreign-looking chaps in Dorset these days, but nobody bothers to call the police.

  2. I used to like Enid Blyton's Famous Five, and the Secret Seven. I was a bit confused about the video and its relationship to the rest but watched a bit.

  3. That line about it being unhygienic reminded me of Joyce Grenfell and her famous line 'George - don;t do that' - Remember her?

    1. Yes! I own a hat that used to belong to Joyce Grenfell.

  4. I love The Comic Strip especially the Five Go Mad ones .... they did Five Go To Rehab !!! ... I think they were older in that one ..... and they probably had lashings and lashings of gin rather than ginger beer and George is a struggling alcoholic with a string of husbands behind her with references of bestiality between her and Timmy !!!! I enjoyed watching Five Go Mad in Dorset again. XXXX

    1. I intend to watch the whole series at my leisure!
