Thursday, 30 March 2017

Stranger things happen at sea

This post is for John really. Look at these - Scotch Eggs with a difference. They are Cadbury's Cream Eggs wrapped in chocolate cake for the meat. Apparently they weigh about half a pound each. A bit rich to say the least.

A friend of mine is the chief engineer on board the ship which is currently ruining the view from the windows of the Hotel Metropol in Brighton by erecting gigantic wind-turbines out to sea - just on the horizon.

It is a one month on, one month off job for all the crew, and the activity is very dependent on the weather conditions, so they all get bored from time to time.

Nobody gets as bored as the chef though, and he is - I am told - constantly coming up with different ideas to keep himself amused in the galley. All of those cakes you can see around the Scotch Eggs are made by him, as is everything on offer. All the meals served up involve multiple-choice. Apparently the hardest thing to do on board is try not to get fat.


  1. Oh be still my beating heart..........

    1. It's a perfect meal, isn't it?! First you can have a 'real' Scotch egg and then, for dessert, you follow it up with a chocolaty one! Tom is a very good friend to point this out.

    2. Not so good that I would share my last Rollo with... Actually I would. I have a golden rule: never, ever, refuse someone food, no matter how fat they are. It is a basic human principle, largely ignored by the stock markets.

    3. I am not saying that John is fat... well, maybe his arse...

    4. Didn't he say something about rejoining the 'fat club'?

    5. Its rude to talk about someone thats not here

    6. It's rude to lurk in the shadows too.

  2. Sounds like going on a cruise, with a bit of work thrown in occasionally.

    1. Just a bit. My friend operates cranes which lift 700 tonnes - from a boat!

  3. Those look amazing. Perfect for Easter.

  4. Hope nothing crashes into the turbines so that they/we have to subsidise another lot.

    1. They are fully insured, I am sure. 5% of Lloyds shipping insurance office are moving to Brussels of all places. A pragmatic decision, we are told. Anyway, the most likely things to crash into them are migrating birds, and nobody seems to be bothered about that.

    2. An outpost in Brussels. Nothing to get hung about. Commercial sense.

  5. Ursula is punishing me by sending a lot of crap my way via posts which cannot be un-followed, even though I never followed them in the first place.

    Ursula - I will definitely get you if you keep this up. I am not joking and I know how to do it.

    You have been warned, so fuck off please, because you are a boring waste of time.

  6. Replies
    1. Think yourself lucky. Someone - I think I know who - has begun to get some U.S. religious or rip-off nutters to bombard my reading list with posts that I never agreed to follow, let alone watch.

      I now have the boring task of tracing the route through which they put the dogs on me (every computer leaves a tell-tale trace with a unique number) so I may now have to go down this route if they don't back off, and fuck them up completely using the same methods.

    2. Although I have my own reservations about Ursula, I am not sure about this one. It does not seem like her. Are you sure it's her?

    3. I apologise for accusing you and I admit to being paranoid about stuff like this, because it doesn't happen very often to me. I think I will forgo the face to face meeting, though. I am getting Goggle to sort it out for me, but meantime other people's posts are difficult to find amongst all the spam. This wouldn't affect you though, Ursula, as you don't put up any public posts.

    4. I have never seen a post of yours, but I don't follow Wordpress. I would be interested to read some. I thought that you just hung around and commented on other people's.

    5. Put up a link to your posts, please. Maybe I will come over and piss you off for a change.

    6. I've just popped over and had a look. I am even following you on wordpress. I have to say that it is not the rants of a spiteful manic as I was expecting. I am pleasantly surprised and I have no desire to piss you off withput good reason, but I am sure I will inadvertantly find some of those in the future.

    7. 'without' - it's late and I am suffering from nicotine withdrawal.

  7. I now have to report each generic address to Google as spam, but I am not sure how long I want to carry on doing this. The trouble is that your posts are buried under 100s of unwanted posts on essay writing, sexual harrassment, university degree advice, etc. etc. and I have - as yet - no way of blocking them even if I am not following them, because Goggle will not allow direct contact with anyone who may be able to stop them.

    This spam coincided exactly with my giving up smoking - talk about stress levels!

    1. I was not lying when I said I know how to do it, it's just that Google won't let me!

  8. TOM !!!!! Have you really given up smoking ?!!!!!
    Hope you have an easy time with it ... good job !!!!! XXXX

    1. In support of H.I. I bought two vapes yesterday...

    2. Your a lovely supportive man ..... I gave up in my forties ..... I could still have one now but I haven't . I did it with the patches .... it might have been psychosomatic but, they worked for me . XXXX

    3. I'll tell you what I miss the most - playing with fire. I miss not having flames and real smoke. The nicotine is a by-product.

  9. Well done on trying to give up smoking..and I've just seen a blog I've never heard of in my blogs I follow/reading list!

  10. I'm 69 and have never smoked, haven't a clue why it never appealed to me but so glad it didn't.

    1. I didn't really start until I was about 28, because I had an American girlfriend who smoked a lot. I will try most things and I don't really seem to have an addictive nature, just a hedonistic and habitual one.

    2. In the 60's most of my friends were smoking pot and so it would of been a good reason to start smoking and get "far out" with them. Instead I threw my self fully into the other acts of hedonism that were going on, simple things like drinking and group sex.

    3. The last bit was definitely too much information.

  11. I don't like chocolate and they look positively revolting to me.

    1. Me too Weave. They look like they would make you sick after a couple of mouthfuls.

  12. Oh those b wind turbines. I live in Brighton and they look awful lined up on the horizon, god knows what the under sea life will be going through when the vibrations get going.

    1. You can blame my mate with the 700 tonne cranes and chocolate Scotch Eggs.

  13. Its been all a bit drama queeny? I see things have settled down

    1. Bloody hell, you can talk. The only reason it seems to have settled down is because I am not talking about it. I am still getting hundreds of unsolicited spam posts in my reading list. I send the address to Google in a complaint about spam, they delete it, then I get hundreds more using a different address. I then go through the whole thing again.

    2. This is the reason I have not commented on many people's blogs recently - they are very difficult to find in amongst the spam posts.

  14. We have an entire forest of those windmill turbines, both at land and at sea, for my part, I think I prefer solarpanels. Worse is the large turbines in the rivers up north, take out several acres of land, not to mention salmons playgrounds. About the eggs, I always heard eggs where good for the health, those scottish nightmares seem to have the opposite effect.
    Strange eating habits, combined with what - haggis??? Or is that Scotch as in whiskey??? Always interesting to drop in here, Tom!!!

    1. Scotch as in deep-fried Mars Bars I think.

    2. Ugh! Then I really do agree with Weaver, that is revolting!!! Marcipan with chocolate coating, that is my limit. Have you been spammed Tom, I am sorry to hear it!!! I only get mails from people that spell my name wrong, who wants me to pay for things I never bought, does that count?
