Monday, 20 February 2017


That is the trouble with ignoring all of your intelligence experts. You are forced to rely on your own limited intelligence!

I feel for half of the population of the USA right now - you mst be SO embarrassed.


  1. As far as the other half goes, I identify with them too. We didn't bother to think of the implications of Brexit either when we showed our displeasure with all politicians by voting for it.

  2. I see Mandleson has now come out in support of his old pal, the millionaire Tony Blair, about rebelling against Brexit. I wonder if that has got anything to do with the fact that all the time we remain in the EU, Mandelson is pocketing an EU pension of £35k a year, as are some other anti Brexit people. As for Trump, well amazingly there are people in this country who think he should be given a chance, a chance to continue making America a joke perhaps?

    1. Every time there is this sort of shenanigans, the scum like Mandleson and Blair rise to the surface. Even the people who agree with what Blair has been saying say that they wish it had not come out of his mouth, but someone else's.

      They are still killing people in Iraq due to Blair's little adventure with his old mate Bush, and the U.S. generals are trying hard to keep the Iraqi forces on their side after what Trump has said about not letting them in to his country. On one hand he wants I.S. to be eliminated for the safety of America (to hell with the rest of the world who lets in Imigrants) and on the other he expects Europe to increase their input of force to help sort out the mess that his ally Blair helped to create.

      If he just carried on acting like the idiot he is, then it would be inconvenient for the rest of the world, but we all fear that it is going to get much more serious unless he is removed from office, along with all of his incompetent advisors.

    2. Blair is dangerous. I wonder who's pulling his string.

      Mission Accomplished? Somebody should send him to Mosul and hand him over.

  3. Right now? We've been embarrassed for months.

    1. Yes, I am sorry, but every now and then we must comment on it. He cannot be ignored - unfortunately.

  4. Personally, I think that Trump will get bored with being President and eventually resign, America has to hope so.

  5. Fox News, by the way it was also Pres. G W Bush's favourite channel, is the source. Tucker Carlson interviewer.
    But the point was made in a 50 minute speech in which he laid his programme that people no longer feel safe. He also said some very rich countries have not been paying their NATO bills. We've had Madrid, London, Belgium, Paris, Berlin, Nice, etc..
    There's a connection. People should watch the whole speech and not take three or four words to suit their preconceptions.

    1. What you say (spout) has no bearing on the simple fact that he - for some reason - spoke a load of rubbish to the world without making the simplest of checks about it. How can you take that out of context? Do you think it should have been politely ignored?!

    2. The guy made a mistake. He was the first to admit it.
      He might not be pc enough for everyone, and he might speak too much off the cuff, but the world is going to have to live with that. The American people elected him and we have to respect their decision. If anyone listens to him with an open ear they will hear that he has good heroes. Here it's going the other way. We don't want or need heroes anymore. The left are trying to rename Heldenplatz in Vienna for example. History is being rewritten in Brussles and other centers of mind manipulation. You will see I'm right. Fortunately you have Brexit and make your own laws and keep your own heroes. And the USA have theirs too.

    3. I am in no more favour of demolishing Salzburger Vorstadt 15 than I am any more of bulldozering any of the concentration camps, but it will always be a shrine to some. I was pleased when they went back to the old name of St Petersburg and stopped idolising people like Lenin, but there are many people left in Russia who would like to go back to the old communist ways - the devil they knew - in the light of Putin and the modern Kremlin.

      What bit of history is being re-written by Brussels? Is it something about bananas once being straight?

      Who are your heroes?

    4. Compare the Fox News version of events in Sweden with the BBC ones. There is a massive difference, and that difference is all to do with impartiality.

  6. He has said he doesn't like to read - which is obvious. Embarrassment is an understatement. He is preaching to his redneck, uneducated voters; tries to stir them up and the other half, well, we are frightened of what might happen. He really is a lunatic.

    1. All the best generals in the best armies are/were amateur military historians. They understood the predicition about not remembering the past condemns you to repeat it in the future. This is something we have to be minded of with Trump.

    2. I am reminded by the comment above of the rise of smobbishness I wrote about after Brexit.

    3. You misinterpreted it, so don't be too proud about it.

  7. He says " Sweden Sweden"
    I say " arsehole arsehole"

  8. On so many levels it is embarrassing to be an American today. Trump, however, brings a new dimension to the pain of embarrassment...

  9. We ARE embarrassed, along with horrified, outraged, I mean, I could go on and on. He and his whole cabinet are so completely what America stands for. I hope he resigns but then...well, we get Mike Pence, a true enemy of anyone who isn't white and male.

  10. I guess Sweden like everybody else is hiding its real migrant problems under the carpet. You cant say you want the migrants to adapt to your country only can it be said the other way round. The story is like that of Germany when the New Year party night all went wrong for Germans and all went right for the migrants: it wasn't them assaulting German women was it?

    As for Blair I suppose this is the same Blair who misinformed about WMD and ignored the millions who marched in 2003? No chance for a second go there.

    1. Sweden appears to be a social experiment in danger of going wrong. They now have 50 no-go areas. Places where ambulances won't go without a police escort. The "60 minutes" TV documentary film crew were all assaulted within minutes of arriving there (Muslim Migrants Attack Australian News Crew in Sweden) and you can see that the 3 cops who turned up after the criminals had driven a car into the cameraman wouldn't enter the no-go area to protect the film crew or try and find the car driver. Saying they'd "watch from a distance" the cops quickly vanished. The film crew were able extricate themselves when a courageous person drove his mobility scooter into one of the gang ringleaders. And so from just these two videos which I think are typical of what people are getting out I think there's a serious problem, and the jist of Trump's message is true and right: Look up - "Swedish Citizen: Trump is Right About Sweden" If Red Pill (an immigrant from Bosnia) is telling the truth which watching the video I think it's obvious that he is then Swedes also have a political swamp to drain.

    2. You talk about heroes and how we don't need them any more. Sweden couldn't afford to have any since the shooting of Olof Palme as he queued up like everyone else in the street to watch a film in 1986. This was nothing to do with immigrants.

      Just because the whole security system has to be changed so that the prime minister may no longer ride a bicycle through the streets of Stockholm, does that mean you should also scrap your ideals?

      Of course Sweden and many other countries have a massive problem with immigration, but I would rather live in a country which holds onto these ideals than in one where the president is turned into a hero for rejecting them.

      The E.U. has many aspects which stink, but rather than pledge to lead a movement to 'drain the swamp' and reform it from within, Brits have been hoodwinked by the far-right into leaving it forever and will have no say in the legislation for the future.

      The irony is that there is simply not enough time to rebuild all the legislation to suit G.B., so we will be taking on the vast majority of E.U. legislation when we leave in any case.

    3. And Rachel - I don't know what you are saying about the New Years Even attacks.

    4. Attacks on females in German cities 2 years ago by Muslim men. German authorities at first tried to cover it up.

    5. That is because all polce, everywhere, are a bunch of idiots. Nothing more sinister than that.

  11. Ami Horowitz is doing a documentary about this problem, surprised you haven't heard about all the issues.

    1. There are too many issues to take on in one go in the small ammount of time it has taken for Britain to vote for Brexit and the U.S. to vote for Trump. We will be digesting all this stuff for years to come.

    2. The above still applies. Those who commission programs about conflict zones throughout the world have also been strangely quiet about the imminent famines in both Southern Sudan and the Yemen. The only political aspect to this is that we cannot afford to go a fucking thing about it.

  12. I was going to put up a new, innocuous post today, but I am intruigued by some of the responses to this one.

    Such a shame we didn't have this discussion two years ago.

    1. This is good discussion. Heroes in Trump's book as he often repeats include Jefferson and Lincoln. One of mine is JFK and there politicians who tried to rename Kennedy Bridge in Vienna and also rename Roosevelt Square which is perfectly good name for a place which was formerly Hermann Goering Square. The Heldenplatz is named for those who defeated the Turks at the gates of Vienna and also Napoleon.

    2. defeated Napoleon at Wagram it should read.

    3. Riots in immigrant area of Stockholm last night. Police fire warning shots. Moderate politician says they average one riot a month in this particular enclave which has 800 + criminals. The Swedish politician who criticized Trump should take a long hard look at himself.

    4. 800 rioters, or 800 criminals? Who the fuck gave you the right to be judge and jury?

      Now if you were trying to keep the peace in normally sleepy Sweden, and you were the police commissioner in close contact with the beleaguered government, which do you think would be most helpful to ordinary citizens? To stir up fear and hatred by casting a slant on what is obviously happening in their neighbourhoods, or just report it locally and try to not let it blow up into an international cause by blaming immigrants in general to the press?

      I am losing faith in your ability to get a grip on any reality which doesn't suit your rather unpleasant veiws, Gwil, and I am getting bored with you for airing them here, despite my - and the rest of the free world's - desire to protect the right to air them, or a version of them that you approve of.

    5. Good discussion! - good discussion! - woof woof!

  13. If I may, the policemen and others that was quoted in that so called documentary on Fox News, have been taken aback by this. They say that a lot in that interview has been taken out of it's fittings and used haphazardedly. Many of the facts are correct, but others are not. Swedish foreign office and many other officials where utterly confused: What in heavens name was he talking about, what happend this friday in Malmoe??? We first thought that he was referring to the fact that an 87 year old musician went to Finals in the Swedish ESC....but that had escaped him, obviously. Now, since Malmoe is my hometown where I was born, I can safely say that, YES, it has changed, but that started long before 2014. We have no urge to move back, it has lost it's unique identity, at least as far as we feel it.
    Sweden have welcomed a great number of refugees, and the handling of the personal cases takes far too long time . The violence have increased, yes, the anxiety and frustration likewise, but it's no warzone.
    You can't bellow out "truths" only half based on facts, and fit them in to your own purposes. Mr Trump has to listen to some good advisers. A man in his position must be very very careful with facts, otherwise he will find it very hard to get good relations nationwide. And since he has been accusing media of being partial and angling, why is he now quoting that very same media?
    There are some alarming problems, in Malmoe and the country, but it is not entirely due to immigration, not even close. What happends in a city is very complex, politics is tricky and people have different views and different needs. It hasn't been all successful, the development of Malmoe, or the country as a whole.
    Trump needs to slow down, listen and learn. What he says and decides has greater impact on the world than what our prime minister says. And Tom, good thing that you brought up the importance of learning from terrible mistakes, like Hiroshima.
    And one clearly obvious thing to do is to heal the wounds of those who are now suffering and make our voices heard - no more death, no more pain, let children live safe! It's a dream, none of us can actually live up to it, but we must keep it alive even so. Or we will shrink in to something less human.

    1. Thank you for that enlightening insight, F.T. I think that Sweden's heart is in the right place, but the root cause of the problem has got completely out of hand.

    2. I agree with you there, Tom and I don't deny the problems that we have, but great leaders must be careful when they handle the facts .

  14. Embarrassed, enraged...
    One can't get too caught up in the stupidity; it's too draining. Thoughtful plans of attack may be the way forward. I would hope for impeachment, but, as another poster mentioned above, we'd have the hard-hearted & hateful Pence at the helm.

    1. It looks as though we will just have to weather it out and get involved with damage limitation for the next 4 years.
